
Day 91, Sunrises, School, Newspapers, Donations and Sunsets AWESOME

Got up early to get out of my camp spot before anyone turned up as it looked like they were cleaning up the area. The sun was coming up and it made for some nice sunrise shots. Great way to start the day. About 8 miles up the road was St Clair Elementary school and […]


Day 90, Lots of rain, Hair cut at the barbers, church said no

Jumped out of bed keen to get going early but found it was pitch black outside and the road I was heading up was narrow as aye so chilled out for a longer breakie and a extra cuppa and headed off at 7am. I had a light on & high vise gear on me and […]


Day 89 – Knoxville

I woke to rain and headed off at what I thought was a early start of 6.30am, As I was in the city I had planned to get some food later so I could get some miles done. As I got hungry and looked for a spot to eat I noticed a clock that said […]


Day 88 , Into Farragut over a few hills, quite day really

A overcast/ sunny day today which was nice. Not heaps really happened today , past quite a few lakes and different farms and more hills that weren’t bad at all just long really.   I had a shit sleep last night as I grab a room at a hotel and about 1am I woke to […]


Day 87, Rockwood, Huge Treehouse and Magical waterfall

A great nights sleep and I was packed and out on the road at 7am, Sun out ,fresh air and a smile on I was off heading for Rockwood which would gave me 36 miles for the day.   A couple of days ago I had been talking to a couple and told them my […]


Day 86, Wise words from a great mate, good day on the road.

I woke to this amazing fog over the lake   and I was a little worried that the cars wouldn’t be abe to see me but it was sweet, see for bloody miles mate. Being saturday there wasn’t much traffic either. I got a mail from my mate Richard and he said a every simple […]


Day 85, More flat tires in the buggy, Rain and sunshine

Huge thank you to Bob and Sharon McComb at the Water town B&B which I found out was closed but as I sat on the ver anda thinking what to do next Bob came out and said come in. Beautiful old house and super nice couple. Thankyou so much. As I started it was raining […]


Day 84, Watertown, narrow roads but a nice day out

A beautiful morning as I headed out of Nashville into the rush of traffic coming into the city, I past this lake first up and it set a nice mood in my head as I battled with little or no shoulder.   So I wanted to show you the shoulder on the road, It can […]


Day 83, Made into Nashville

After a night listening to what I hope was a deer calling for some action I headed off on the last stretch to Nashville. I was excited to get here as it is another one of the big cities along the route. There was a thick fog first up and it lifted as I went […]


Day 82, Still on the Trace parkway and no ones around.

I didn’t want to be in any ones’ way this morning so I got up and packed up quickly and was on the road by 7am. It was a nice place to stay but I woke up a lot thinking it was morning and well I think the waterfall was a bit loud haha, magic […]


adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.