A overcast/ sunny day today which was nice. Not heaps really happened today , past quite a few lakes and different farms and more hills that weren’t bad at all just long really.
I had a shit sleep last night as I grab a room at a hotel and about 1am I woke to my whole body itching like crazy, I had bed bugs in my bed and they had attacked me, i went to the manager to sort it out and he was a real dickhead about it, I had even picked some of the red bugs up to show him. He gave me a new room not that I really could sleep after that but got a little in. My body today was all swollen and itchy as and I tried hard not to itch them putting tiger balm on them to kill the string. First time I have had bed bugs and it isn’t nice aye.
I found this cool boat today and I thought of Shacky and Vanessa straight away, Vanessa on the back skiing telling Shacky to hurry up and go find Pat. haha miss you muppets lots.
Im right on the outskirts of Knoxville so I wasn’t sure where to crash, I almost went to get a hotel again but kinda saving hard for later when I saw this old ab an don building and after a quick run down to it and check around the back side it was on. A perfect spot really. I got 37 miles done today but as always I was on the road for 11 hours but with all my breaks and slow pace it’s kinda the norm now. A shorter day tomorrow as I had booked a hotel on the other side of Knoxville to get some things sent to me. I won’t take a day off so a short day is good to chill and then I can keep going. Body is feeling good so no need to stop.
I rang my friend Lauren Jawno from Canada today to say hi, she is a amazing lady and had helped me out a few times with different things. Also I forgot the other day but I got a call from my mate Joppy from NZ, we did our Plumbing apprenticeship together and he rang up to check in on me. SO awesome to hear friends from back home, also Hewy called me too last week, Miss all you muppets I have lived with over the years of traveling especially my Princess Ave house full in Lon don. Crazy fun.
So a good day down and time to catch up on the missed sleep from last night. x
Day 88 , Into Farragut over a few hills, quite day really