You might be thinking what I do after these crazy adventures, I found on my last runs once I had finished I was all alone and after so much time moving forward and meeting amazing people everyday and having fun being out there I got very lonely . This time this wasn’t going to happen as I had asked Kara from the 100 Mile Club if i could hang out and do some school visits with her and the team. Kara had me sorted out with a beautiful hotel to stay in and everyday we went out and did talks at schools.
I love doing these so much and I get to keep living in the feeling of being on the road, Getting energy from everyone , kids and awesome teachers.
We started off with a new school starting at Home Gardens school. We spent the day there talking to every student in their classes. All ages from 5 yrs through to 15. We showed a video abut how to do the 100 MC and how to set goals and have fun together making them happen. Its a simple thing but can be hard when the goal is as big as 100 Miles.
We took the little ones out and did a couple of laps, they were super cute and lots of stories coming out as we ran around.
Thankyou so much Home Gardens school. have a great year in the 100 Mile Club and welcome.
The next evening we went out to the Dos Lagos run night, Its a event where any kid in the 100 MC can come and run miles, if you want more or maybe missed a day at school you can make it up here, there are so many evening runs happening in every town or community where there is a 100MC.
I made heaps of wee friends and did a few laps. Me Kara and Vanessa were there and left feeling awesome. Thank you all so much. Great work to everyone running this event, Its been going every thursday for the last 5 yr. Amazing.
Next we had a day at the Orange Grove Elementary, Today was a special one as lots of amazing Ultra runners were here to join the kids and do laps.
The kids came out in their classes and ran , then at the end of the day everyone was out for musical miles where the music is blasting and everyone runs and dances around the track. Lots of fun.
Today was a super special day as i got to see my wee mate Skyler, Now this is a cool story, Me and skyler meet on the first day of the US run, he was down having a walk with his family in his 100MC t-shirt and I run into them. I was blowen away as i was running for the 100MC so to find a kid on day 1 was awesome. We got a photo and I ran off. Now when I decided to ride the bike back and finish at the 100MC headquaters I knew I would go down the same road. So I reached out to Kara to see if she could track him down for me, I only had a photo and a name but the magic of 100 MC found the wee man and we started planning to met. the school was closed the day i ran past but Skylers mom pulled him out of school so he could join us and run with me today.
Oh i was so happy to see him again, such a cool wee guy, Awesome mom. Thank you so much for making my day and finishing off the last special thing I really wanted in our Circle of Awesomeness. Seeing you again.
Jessica, Coop, Alfa Tom and his beautiful wife , Tammie, Tapatha and many others came down to be there, Signing tees and feeling famous all day with the kids. So awesome.
Huge thank you to all the teachers, amazing coaches and awesome principal for a great great day. Sunshine, smiling kids and awesome people doing something cool together, life is good aye.
Our last event for the week was at the Mission Inn Marathon where we set up a tent and had the booth going, The 100 MC kids could come and run the kids events and get miles towards their totals at schools so it was awesome to met more kids and see them go after their goals. A little each day adds up to AWESOME things.
Me Kara and Tammie were the team and it was heaps of fun. Tammie trying to get me and Kara fat by buying these amazing cupcakes, they were so good. Lots of smiles and new friends, not sure what else is needed in Life really.
Also got a visit from the Man himself “The Jester” , Ed Ettinghausen ran and ran and made a new World Record for the most 100 Mile races competed in a single year. He did 40 in a year, imagine that. It was so awesome to chat with Ed and hear stories and get inspired by him, I have some amazing friends. to Awesome.
The lady behind all this awesome is Kara Lubin, This lady is something else, Gives so much time and love and Passion to the kids and the 100MC and it is totally to awesome, I just love hanging out with her and being apart of her club. What she is doing to to much fun. Spreading like wild fire and so simple that 2 yr olds are doing it while kids all across the world now are apart of the 100 Mile Club, you wanna know more then click HERE
I can’t thank you enough Kara and team for what you have done for me and I truly love doing things with you, it makes so much more fun for me while I run lots and being apart of 100MC is a special thing. I will continue to spread the word to everyone I met . Thank you for everything and it has been so much that you have done for me. Huge Love and we are only starting.
So you can see why I do what I do and why I love it, nothing but awesomeness and happiness every minute and everyday. More to come and I hope you can keep coming with us and being a huge part of it, We are a team!! thank you x
The Week Post Canada ride. SO much fun with the 100 Mile Club .Thankyou