Its been a while since I last wrote and well lots has happened, I have arrived back in Wanaka in New Zeal and which is my home town. I left the states back at the start of Dec 2015 and headed for Japan where I caught up with friends and chatted about protenial work for the future. I have always loved Japan and worked there lots over the years, They have the 2019 Rugby World cup and then the 2020 Summer Olympics so lots of great sporting events coming up which I really want to be apart of in one way or another. I was on a researching trip to see what is happening and telling people it’s a dream of mine to be there for them both. Gotta get it out there aye.
Then I hit NZ and had great plans of riding the length of the country North to South but after just a day I found that my mountain bike didn’t like having a fully loaded trailer hanging off it, The wheel falling out of the frame was the sign haha. so I saw some great close friends and chilled out for a week before arriving home to find some work. After a huge 2015 my bank was screaming at me to give it some love and pay some bills. They didn’t underst and when I said sorry and tried to explain what i had been up too. The real world doesn’t underst and my life well the banks etc that is but it doesn’t worry me one little bit.
So I rang up my old plumbing boss and asked if he had any work for me, Not the thing i want to do but having a trade has helped me live the way i do and Im truly thankful to everyone who pushed me to do it when I was 16. Lucky there is a little work and I have been getting back on top of things while exploring my mind and feelings for the next thing. Exciting times for a dreamer aye.
I was lucky enough to have the chance to get back out on the road and crew for 2 friends who were running some trails around NZ, I spent 3 weeks driving up and around the country picking them up and dropping them off at trail head s and ends. I got to se some amazing places that I didn’t even know where out there. I loved every minute and it was so nice to be living the way I want to, Free and on the road not really knowing where tomorrow will take me. The nomad life is so awesome.
Once that time was up I’ve come back to Wanaka and are plumbing again , Been very quite in the ways of going out but busy in my head sorting out direction and what it is I am and want to do from now on. The last 5 yrs has been so amazing and I dont think I can do anything else. I don’t mean running crazy amounts of miles and for days/months on end but I do mean being in that moment and enjoying every minute and place i go and with every person I met or see . It gives me a feeling that i can’t really put into words apart from “being truly Happy ”
I have being making so many “mind maps” of thoughts and ideas that are in my head and it is so freeing, having things on paper is so awesome. you can write down everything and nothing is silly or impossible. Its where it all starts , you gotta get it out and tell the universe as then it can help you, And trust me it does. Searching into ideas and exp anding on different words is so much fun and sharing with others only makes things come to life and happen when you least expect it.
So From now on I will be writing and exploring more and more. Im going to be letting you and others be my inspiration for my adventures and life. I want to find those people living their dreams, the ones following their passions and following a idea that others think is crazy. If you know of anyone like this I want to hear about them, no matter where in the world they are . I will then find them how ever I can and bring their story of awesomeness to you so you too can be inspired to get into your dreams and live them. Everything is so possible if you want it to be, you just gotta want it. Believe
Also I want to get out there and find people who are helping others and share their stories too, the charities who are do amazing things , helping kids move and everyone to eat better and look after themselves. Which is going to help me learn and live the life i want too.
One big thing I’m doing is getting rid of almost all my stuff, I mean almost everything and only Keeping the very minimum. I have been taking photos of photos that i had from yrs ago and storing them on a hard drive to then burn all the real ones, giving away all my stuff and clothes I don’t need. My room is getting less and less cluttered everyday and it feels great. I feel great knowing that someone else will be able to enjoy my old things like I did. I’ve also been thinking a lot about rubbish and what I use everyday and buy from shops in the ways of food. learning from others about food, eating and living in a zero waste way and I’m loving it. For me some huge changes being made which i thought would be hard but aren’t really that bad and knowing it is better for our world I feel better too.
So Im excited for the future and lots going to change and lots of fun times ahead. I can’t wait to share everything with you and hope you will join me and help me be inspired everyday by sharing your stories and friends stories from around the world.
“Here’s to the road less traveled and the dreams that I find along the way”
A new direction and I'm excited- Being truly Happy and in the moment.