
Day 38 , Made Quebec city and was a tourist for a bit. 4200kms down

Up early and excite to go but first check out this beautiful place I got to stay last night. Stephane Wuttunee and Gisele have a magic little hide away , an Mongolian tent too which I just love.
Day 21 Day 22
Day 23 Day 24
Look at my freshy laid eggs for breakie and my two angels who let me stay .Great awesome meeting you both and can’t thank you enough. Stephane who has some indian in him sang a song while playing his drum for a send off. It was just awesome, Ill be safe as now, got the whole tribe watching over me. Thanks bro I really loved it.  Keep well and Ill see you again on the road somewhere.
Day 26 Day 27
Day 28 Day 29
More beautiful views and farms to check out on the short 50kms it was to Quebec City. I made it just around 11am and had to get a ferry across to Old Quebec. I forgot to say but I clicked over the 4200kms mark today, Not bad for 35 days of riding. Only around 9000 to go. haha but we dont think about that , just one day at a time.
Day 210 Day 211 Day 213 Day 215 Day 216 Day 219 Day 220
I had a craving for yoghurt today and smashed this in one go, Found a trail through Lewis which took me to the ferry, Really really busy on it with bikers, runners and roller blades flying in all directions, a very fit area which is great. A few people stopped to say hi, some funny looks when I say I have NO french but we make do.
Day 222 Day 223 Day 227 Day 225 Day 228
A quick ferry ride maybe only 10 minutes and we were in the Old city. Not before I made a couple of new friends Josee and Ma do who were out for a ride today. Thank you for saying hi and telling me paces to check out.
Day 229 Day 234 Day 236 Day 239 Day 238 Day 243
This place is really beautiful, So much history and old buildings. I then met Pierre who was turned 70yrs old today. He was telling me about a surpise party they were having for him that he want surpose to know about, Super awesome to chat to you sir, Happy Birthday.
Day 240
I rode around the city trying not to get in the way as it was super busy, tourists everywhere . Lots to see and while cruising out of town I found this cool Graffiti everywhere.
Day 244 Day 245 Day 248 Day 249 Day 250 Day 253 Day 254 Day 252
Ive been looking everywhere for a dream catcher and today found it, Some indians were int he city selling them and I just had too, its on the flag pole now and showing me the way.
Day 251
I got a message today from Patrick Sweeney and Barefoot Alex by great running buddies from our US run. The boys were at a out door expo and had found the Point6 Socks team, Stacia was there looking beautiful as ever and the boys said hi for me. So awesome they did that, thank you so much guys, you made my day. Hi Stacia thanks so much for your awesome support always. #point6socks #spreadthewool.
Day 232
So As you can see another good day, Now next goal is Montreal which is 266 kms away so 2 days and Ill be there, Got 3-4 friends there so that might call for a day off. Havent had one in a long time. Hopefully everyone isn’t on holidays somewhere. Only got around 50 miles in today but thats all good isn’t it. Moving is moving. nite all. Im off to find a camp spot for the night.

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.