I woke earlier than usual and was on the road by 6.15. A beautiful morning and I didnt really want to leave Lake Folly, It was so warm and I could h andle swimming around for the day but I have places to go and people/kids to meet.
The first few miles were great, A nice gentle down hill, warm air so I was happy as, Past a ski field and found a new friend. Yep you guessed it a minion, one from mac donalds. I introduced the boys to each other and will have to sort out where he will sit.
If you havent tried Honey Stinger Products you are missing out, These Waffles are awesome, I love this gingersnap one.
I made it to New Brunswick state today, Yahoo. Im almost back to where I came into Canada which I will feel real good once I pass that spot , then I will feel like Im moving forward or West.
Just after I past the flags I saw this shoe on the road, picked it up to find this on the bottom, Love it.
I was on route 4 and then it turned into 2 which I followed for the day, its the Trans Canada highway and I didnt really want to be on it but the other roads go to far off course.
I had a couple of small breaks today and made my goal of Moncton but had heaps of time left in the day so decided to keep going on to Salisbury. I have a meeting in the morning so needed to be somewhere with internet and this is the last stop for 70kms so pulled up here and pitched my tent. A big truck stop here and I just got myself a small corner near to the cafe and subway so Im set. made it just in time for the sunset.
I did 104 miles today which was a bit more than planned but makes for about the same for tomorrow. Another good day had. Nite
Day 32 Aug 2nd, Nice sunny day, Made it into New Brunswick