
Aug 3rd, Tough day in the head, amazing love from all corners of the world. Thank you

I started a bit later today as I had a meeting online, gave the tent time to dry out and kinda nice just leaving later. it was a really warm day but a good head wind to push against but all good.
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I was just heading up the highway all day so not many photos.
As I went along my mind started thinking way more than ever and I stopped for ages to think just why am I out here. More along the lines of do I need to do these adventures anymore, Am I getting to people how I want too. Is me running or riding thous ands of miles doing as much as just going to a school and chatting with kids, doing a evening chat with a group of people. This kinda thing.
I dont just want to walk away from this because it would eat me up knowing I didnt finish it, But I do need to make this ride something more.
Looking up all I could see was blue sky and looking inside all I could see was blue unknown. this is what i was struggling with. In the middle of nowhere, alone and thinking deeply . Un not really what you want but I kinda liked it as I dont think to much and think I need too. My life has changed over the last 5 years which is awesome.
I only got 63 miles done today , had some great friends call me, message me, Im happy I got that far and tomorrow is another day to ride. Below is a note I put on Facebook,
Huge thank you to everyone for messaging me yesterday, calling me and wishing me power to keep going and strong. I should have worded it a bit different, Im not struggling in the want to keep going, my body is awesome and strong as, my mind is as powerful as ever.
What it is, I just want to get to more people, kids and have more fun together. Im not out here to just do the run or ride, Im out here to meet people and share stories/dreams, sometimes I just get to thinking that maybe I dont need to be out here doing these adventures but just be there with you all and others doing things together. I love being out here and living the now, meeting everyone and seeing everything I get too. Its amazing.
I think now its time to go to the next step, I just can’t put my finger on to what that is. So as long as Im out here Im searching for that. That is my challenge and I love it. What or who will come along and say that one thing that will make it all click. Im excited for that.
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My tent site for the night, was a bit windy but that kept the mossi’s away, and the water was really warm, cleaned the body and refreshed by the wind, Watched a little Billy T James and was off to sleep early.
Thanks so much again, Love having you all with me here.
have a sweet day where ever you are. Enjoy the day, people and be optimistic about everything. me too aye.

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.