Knowing I only had 25 miles I was in no real hurry this morning but still got off at 6.30. I was going to meet Tim who was on the over night ferry back from New Found l and.
I got a message saying he was at the local Mac donalds and got there around 9.30. Good to catch up with him and hear of his time in NFL. He had had a lot of rain and cold weather which I was now heading towards. I had to go and get my ticket, Do some washing and hopefully find a shower.
I wont see him again now as Im a good 10 days behind him, Good luck bro have fun out there.
I found the port and with lots of time I booked my ticket and headed off to find a bank and Laundromat. The people are getting friendly and friendly as I head east which is nice.
While put my washing in machine and hanging my tent out to dry a lady asked where I was heading, I told her and she asked if there was anything I needed. I laughed and said a SHOWER. Not expecting a ok to then be offered a ride to her house and a shower. I almost kissed her. I was over smelling myself, nah I wasn’t that bad really.
Normi took me to her mothers house and I met Rosemary and her mum who is 98 yrs old, awesome.
Clean and smiling I thought I was off back to the washing but no they offered me lunch and a cuppa which I of course said yes please.
We chatted about lots of different things and lots of great ideas started developing. Both ladies started thinking of ways to help me get the word out about 100 Mile Club and also how I could maybe meet with kids or groups. Also they thought of the local newspaper and Canada TV. That would be huge at this early point. Hopefully by the time I get back here things might happen. I cant thank Normi enough for her kindness and helping me out so so much.
Clean clothes, Body and full I headed to the port to chill out and charge everything up. Great seeing all the people heading to NFL and everyone excited to be off on a holiday. Being the weekend too it was pretty busy. The ferry is 17 hours long so I had some time to kill. Rest my legs and body was the main goal.
I met a few people and one guy who had biked over from Toronto , great to hear his stories and routes that he had taken. I settled in to where I would spend the night and with live music being played near to my bed I was a happy kiwi cruising the ocean towards New Found l and. Nothing but water and the gentle rock of the boat.
July 17th – North Sydney / Ferry time