Up at 5 and on the road by 6am again and well it’s a great time to get going. We cruised along in and out of towns and along side the beach.
We found some sweet places to take photos and then it happened again. I was just clicking into my pedals and just moved about 30 cms to then catch my trailer on the bridge wall, Which made me stop only to then lose my balance , not being able to unclick my shoes to then fall sideways flat on the ground in the middle of the road. Tim had heard the trailer noise and looked over to then watch me fall in slow motion to the ground. He lost it laughing and was crying. Not asking if I was ok just laughing. My sunglasses went flying, Cut my h and and knee just a little but shit it was funny. That’s 3 crashes in 5 days on the road. Not good % aye. I might not make Canada yet haha.
As I was saying yesterday we had found out that my route was going to take to long for Tim so we were heading for Portl and so he could take a ferry from there to St Johns in Canada. It will save him 2 weeks , it does mean he will ride alone and so will I know but we are sweet with that. Ill miss him heaps but he’ll be just ahead of me. I reckon he will get lost a few times so Ill probably find him going the wrong way haha.
We arrived into Portl and around 1pm and got him sorted with some gear for his bike and then his ticket for the ferry. Then we got some lunch and went to see Sarah Goffs and Lisa Thomas’s friend John who has a organic juice café here in Portl and. We just made it before clothing and had a quick chat, Was awesome to meet him and his wife, Amazing how a quick email can set up a cool little meeting and new friends are made. Thanks so much John for the drinks and everyone for thinking ahead to connect friends with us.
Then as we sat on our bikes and Tim was about to leave a lady Nancy Grant came over and introduced herself, She is the Excutive Director for the Bicycle Coalition of Maine. She told us to go over and say hi to the team so I did as Tim was off to get his boat.
I went in to say hi and meet Bridgette Kelly who is the smile behind the counter and a great one at that , We chatted a bit and then got a photo outside. They do a cool magazine about different rides and events, also stories over cyclists around the place. Check them out HERE if you are going to Maine to ride.
Me and Bridgette had a sweet chat and she is a super cool lady, Funny and got so much energy, We got talking about dreams and I had to see if she had one, Well she had heaps but her biggest one is to be a pilot, YES she opened the Dare to dream door which I was super stoked about, I know she will do this just by the way she got excited when telling me her dream, You can tell if someone is just dreaming it or dreaming to do it and going to.
I hope I will hear back from her real soon and Ive booked my flight with her as soon as she gets her ticket. Good luck making a dream became real and thankyou for using our door to start it off. Its that easy.
So Im now alone and continuing on north towards the border of Canada. I just made it to 60 miles today as we spent lots of time in Portl and. I arrived in near Freeport and after seeing the biggest indian I have ever seen to then find a cool little camp spot by a cementary, that that close by next door.
What will tomorrow being along well I can only wait and see and be ready for it , Thanks so much to everyone who is reaching out to friends and families along the route.
Sweet dreams all, Tim you float safely over to Canada bro. See ya soon.