Hi everyone . So sorry for being to be honest a little lazy with my blog, I was busy doing so many cool things that I just didnt get time and then lost my writing mojo a little. But ready to show you the fun Ive had since finishing.
After a couple of great relaxing days in Boston where I got to meet the new Balance Team at the Headquaters which was awesome, I couldn’t get through to anyone so decided to go knock on the door and say hi. A couple of phones calls and I got invited up to meet the team, SO awesome to see everyone and talk about what we did together then also to meet the NB Foundation team who have teamed up with the 100 Mile Club for a new project called the BILLION MILE RACE. I will tell you more on this soon.
First stop out of Boston was Providence which was where I had sent my buggy and a few things mid run. I stayed with Chris and his flat mates who had helped me out so so much. Letting me stay for a couple of days and looking after my gear for so long. Cant thank him enough. Here I am chilling on their deck with my Point6 socks on , haha yeah thats a mean tan line isn’t it.
Then I was off to Rhode Isl and and to Watch Hill. I had a email from Olga and Lyman who heard about me from lady Lisa that I had meet one day on the run. They had invited me to come stay so of course I said yes. Their house was amazing and they are super amazing. They took me in like their own kid. The funny thing was they have lived in NZ in Queenstown for the last 15 yrs in the summers. Been home more than I have. I just in real chill mode and it was awesome relaxing and doing nothing.
Watch hill is right on the beach and it was nice walking along, This huge house had just been bought by Taylor Swift for a cool 17 million. Not bad aye.
After a great few days I was off to New york to meet my newest friend Jacob. he had sent me a email asking me to come to meet his class at Chelsea Day school. But first I was a tourist and got to explore NY , I went along the HIGH Line walkway. Made on top of a old rail way which twist through the city. Really beautiful and well designed and a great place to get away .
Then I got to go over the Brooklyn bridge for the first time, Walking back towards the city was awesome, ltd of people doing the same but it as very relaxing. In the distance other famous spots that I was heading to check out.
Yep you guessed it the Statue of Liberty was a must, I didn’t go up inside as there was huge lines even on this weekday. So great to finally get here and check it out.
Then my favourite day arrived. I met up with my great mate Grant Kreft who has been helping me so so much on this US adventure, can’t say thank you enough for everything he has done. We grab a coffee as we headed to met Jacob and his folks before heading to Jacobs school. Jacob is five and wow what a amazing boy, he showed me his amazing clock collection and showed me I have a lot of learning to do. Then we went to meet his class . The boys and girls of Classroom 4 welcomed me in and we we chatted about our run.
I had our maps and we checked them out while the kids asked some awesome questions. I just love this and could do it everyday. Then we went to the biggest room we could find to run around and move our bodies. Raining outside so we made human tunnels and climbed over things which was super fun.
Rolly poleys and group photos followed by high fives to say good bye and I left there so powered up and smiling that I almost put my shoes on and started running again.
Big big thank you to Jacob, the Chelsea day school classroom 4 kids, Teachers, Nick and Caren Abramovich and Grant Kreft for making this day and trip amazing.
As you can see my world is amazing and its all because of the people I get to meet and share things with, I can’t tell you enough but go after what ever it is that you dream of, want to try or that something you have always wanted to do. Put it out there, tell a friend and have a go. I promise you that you won’t regret it at all. if you ever need help drop me a line as I would love to hear about it and if I can I will help. More so i would love to share it with you. Its a magical feeling to go after what you want and to be honest a lot easier than you think.
Thankyou so much everyone for making my life everything I have wanted.
First week after run. Amazing people & Chelsea Day school fun day