It was here and I was excited as hell , Our last day of this US run . Pat, me, Shacky ,Vanessa & Ginger & kitty had made our way across this huge country and were down to the last 31 miles. Friends had flown or driven in from around the US and Canada. Flint, Kelley, Heather, Darren were at the start with us and Suman joined about 3 miles in. 8am and we were off from the start of the Boston Marathon and running the whole course and then a few miles to the ocean.
Our team of me Pat Shacky and Vanessa and of course Ginger and Kitty cat, All I can say is AWESOME! The feeling in our camp everyday was just amazing. We had made it through the 114 days to be here together and doing this last day. I was so so happy to be here with them, it was my driving force the whole last month and pushed me to places I’ve never been and glad I made myself keep going for hours and hours everyday. Nothing beats the feeling I was having.
Robin was our crew for the day and she did a great job, finding us along the course and in Boston traffic it wasn’t easy. Cant thank her enough for taking the whole day out for us. xx
It was a overcast start and a bit cool but soon the sun came out and the day got better each mile we ran and yes I was running, first time in a month I did, no bag on my back, Blisters not screaming at me to stop and I was loving it. Pat looking strong which was awesome.
We chatted as we went telling stories of adventures and of our trip , passing the different famous parts on the course and everyone having a great time. We weren’t in any hurry and if anyone got tired we would all stop and walk together, A true way to do something as a team I believe.
As we got to Wellesey which is a girls University and on Boston marathon day you can get kisses from the girls who line up along side this road. We and found a wig and Flint turned Bi for a mo and gave Pat his kiss. There are so many spots along the course which for me was great, Im a little slow to do the race I think so today was my chance.
The closer we got to the end the happy I was feeling, My body was getting a little sore and tired but I wasn’t stopping not until the ocean. Here Pat and I are at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, right downtown it is. Lines on road still fresh as the race was just a couple of weeks ago.
Right at the finish line was a New Balance Store so we went in to say to Tim the manager and the team, snapped a few photos.
Then we went off to finish this baby off, only a few miles left so we did the tourist trail though town. Sun was out in force and the locals loving it as just 3-4 weeks ago there was still snow around.
You can see the American flag in the photos, James is pretty well known around here for carrying the flag and came down to finish off with us, it was great as so many people tooted and cheered as we past by. Then the ocean came into view and we were out of country as Pat says. I got a bit teary at this point thinking back on what we had done, what had happened along the way and what I did in the last month to get here. I was stoked aye.
We did a pose and high five before stripping down and jumping into what was warming than I thought water. HELL YES we had just finished running the whole USA.
Kelley also jumped and we got lots of photos, my phone was ringing heaps with calls from family in NZ which was awesome, the timing was perfect and also 30 seconds to early, Just as we were to jump in the water my mum called and I had to say sorry call me back in 10. sorry about that mum just had to finish this off. My h ands were raised and a smile on. Huge thank you to my amazing sponsors, everyone who helped us on the road and in any way. There was so many people from way before I stated that help me get stuff ready, places to stay and so much more just so I could head off on this adventure. You are all so special to me and I couldn’t do this without you. THANKYOU.
We had some watermelon that had been soaked in Tequila on the beach and then headed to a bar for a few beers and food. I couldn’t lose the smile I had on.
We headed home to sleep and get some rest. Thankyou all for making my world so awesome. x
Ill be writing more over the next week as there are so many people to thank and Im sure I have forgot somethings now.
Day 114, Last day of our Run With Us America Run . 3423 miles 114 days.