Well after a lot of thinking I decided I would go alone from now on, I have been struggling a bit with how slow I’m going and how much I have been making Pat wait. He has never said he wants to go faster and is always sweet with my pace but just knowing what he can do and in my eyes should go do made me come to this decision. The man can run and run fast. I so want to keep going with him, Shacky and Vanessa as we had so much fun everyday but I feel that this will be better. We still have a long ways to go and I think this run is a little more than just running for me, I think I’m here this time to just get it done and in a slower cruiser way. So thats why I had to let Pat go run. He will enjoy it I think. Pat you are true amazing friend to me and I’m sorry to leave, Have fun bro as i know you will.
Huge thank you to Phil & Corrin Flora who invited us into their house to stay, It was awesome to meet you and thanks so much for the Pie. yum!!
We started together and we ran to the Car rental place in Greenville, It was a little 7 miles there and a nice sunrise to only then Fog over for a bit.
We found these live bullets on the side of the road
Then it was time to say good bye and it was hard for me to see my new amazing friends head off but it was my choice so I gotta go with it. Everyone was asking me to rethink so many times and trust me I was but this will be better I think. Run strong and hard Pat, be careful out there and enjoy this amazing adventure to the full , it is yours now and that is a fun thing as you get to make it and do it how you feel which is totally different to doing it with someone. I’ll see you at the end as I know you will smash out the miles from now on. Huge Huge thank you to Shacky and Vanessa for their amazing support and crewing for me, You are such amazing people and a awesome crew, I love the way you live and I will find you out on the road after this. Big thanks to Ginger and Cat for hanging with me too.
We are still Run With US America and that will never change and everything except running together will be the same. I will following the same route and finish in the same place just at a different time. Hopefully not to long after haha.
While Pat headed off and I was waiting for a car me Shacky and Vanessa went for breakie and found this awesome little place, The history in this building was awesome and the owner gave us some free Tamaris to try, Very nice. Thanks so much to the Doe’s family .
Then I was off on the 7 hours drive back to Dallas to get my buggy and drop some gear off at JDK, One cool thing was I got to go through Louisiana which we hadn’t run through. It looked pretty much the same as Arkansas. I made it there and stayed with Nigel and his family, also got to catch up with Chris White a fellow kiwi, Great to see the guys and have a beer. Thanks so much for your support. I slept and then drove back today and are ready to run tomorrow heading north to Memphis TN. Thats a lot of driving and it was harder than running everyday.
About 10 days ago my Ambit 2 stopped working and I’d been running blind , well not knowing how far I had run most of the time apart from the aids stops, I had to get a new watch so I could keep track of my milage now that I wouldn’t have Pat’s watch. He had the new Suunto Ambit 3 Peak and it was a great watch with amazing battery power so I got myself one. Broke the bank but totally worth it.
So all is good and I’m excited to get back out on the road, I had been watching Pat’s updates and seeing him meting lots of people and having fun for 2 days with out me and that has made me jealous as. I gotta get back out there. Keep following me and Pat and as always we would love to meet you , hear from you so send in questions and what ever and we will answer them. Thanks to everyone for your support and don’t worry I just gotta go my Jup Brown pace. See you out there.