Woke to a surprisingly warm morning which was great, Had some breakfast and headed off. We were staying at the same camp tonight to which made things easy with no pack up. Great place here at Valley of Fires Camp ground and super cheap too.
The views straight off were awesome and we had a nice 20 miles of pretty much down hill. Of course there was one big hill but nothing to dishearten us.
We past into Lincoln County which famous for Billy the Kid, yeah he use to be riding around this area. Also we got to run down though the Valley of fires lava . There was a volcanic eruption way back in the day and well not sure from what mountain but it came up though the ground and flowed 47kms down the valley, Such a awesome site. Nothing is alive or hot but its a huge area that is covered.
Great day again for lots of info boards that we always stop to read and find out about the areas we are in. We are getting into Smokey the Bear country tomorrow. very close at end of today.
We did find Smokey today and stopped for a quick hello.
We did 35.1 miles again today and in 8 hrs 10 mins, Both felt good and no problems in our bodies so another good day. Crew Was awesome again always there for us.
Some beautiful Clouds and a magic sunset after we had our shower after finishing.
You should see the stars out here , Wow and wow again. he best thing with camping out here is there is no buildings around so the stars are bright as. Can’t finish a day without a camp fire either. Just great to relax together and talk about adventures that we have all had before. I love this a lot. really cool group of people which makes for fun times. Thanks guys.
Ill get a map of the run so far in New Mexico tomorrow when I have better internet.
Got a call from my dad today which was awesome, so good to chat. Also it was my mums birthday today. Yeah pretty sure she was 29 again , Me and pat made a little song and video for her, We posted it on our “Run With us America” facebook page . GO check it out HERE
Think thats about it for today. Im sure Ive forgotten something but will get it tomorrow. Nite all. x
Day 35- Sun , down hills , Lava Valley and Stars for miles