I had an email from Mark McArthur yesterday and after ringing him and having a chat I was just blown away by his power and want to do something awesome. Mark had a stroke and is slowly working his way back and has been setting goals to do things that he used to do before his stroke. He is going to train up and ride a bike around Lake Taupo. To have a goal as big as this is great, just shows you even when you get taken down by something you should never give up. I wish you all the best luck in getting there bro and I know you will. I ran today for you and thank you so much for talking to me and giving me some of your power to help me get though my hard times out here. Keep in touch bro if there is anything I can help ya with.
Huge thanks to Mason, Hanna and Isla for putting us up in Taupo for 2 days, and feeding us big time. Great to hang with the family after so long.
I had Peter, Hanna’s dad come run with me first up today. Pete’s a bloody good runner kept me going at a good speed for the first 20km. Had rained lots last night but we had some luck and it cleared for us today. Finally.
After a slow feeling, heavy legged 20km I found a cafe and had a bowl of coffee, 3 Buzz bars and some lollies. Good non athletes food. After a quick goodbye to Sarah and Peter -thanks so much for running with me and for dinner last night, awesome feed – I was back out there feeling alot better.
Sounds were in my ears and fingers and arms dancing away I was happy as. There is something in this music that just does something to me, damn it is awesome.
We are right in the heart of hot pools and steam rising out of the ground, great views as I run along, some stinky parts too but so nice…
Into another district today which feels great – Hello Bay of Plenty. Straight up there was plenty of hills which were long steady climbs just to keep me on the ball. Still not giving up on them, I run all the way up them now, amazing how the body can change for the better. Only taken 2100km.
We are now 2 days from Tauranga where we get to have a day off and hang with the Lockharts. Tim dog, Bev and the 3 boys. Bev has been my little media angel right from the start and has done sooooooo many hours and emails to get the word out. Without her this wouldn’t have happened, I can’t thank you enough Bev xx. You all know I couldn’t pull this off alone. Tim has been awesome helping with the radio side. He has been busy getting the word out to all the different Mediaworks stations around NZ and we have had so much support which is fantastic. Can’t thank you all so much.
Please everyone don’t forget to get the shoes out ready for Oct 29th Saturday – World Stroke day Fun run. Just walk, bike or run if you want, take a photo of you and your group and send it with a message to me of where in our world you are and how many people joined you, and let’s see how many people in as many countries as we can get to be a part of this fun day. Tell the world if you can.
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 48 – Taupo to Waiotapu