A day of long of straight roads and beautiful sunshine… Started feeling good and just got better as the day went on. It was a 43km day which ran though the country side and along near the sea.
The left quad is still not the best so gotta stretch it out a lot. Has been a while since I last listened to my tunes but they were out in force today and I danced my way up the road.
Every farm I go past the animals look and talk away to me so I find myself talking right back to them, must be losing the plot a bit. Stopped today to see some alpacas who seemed to want to say hi but then gave me nothin.
Still waving to everyone who goes past and have been getting a great response.
By the look of that photo I might have lost a chin which is a bonus, now only 2 to go… should be gone in another 1000km.
Today I had to walk down the hills near the end as the quad didn’t like them but I am walking fast and running in my mind.
Coming into Timaru at 2pm was an awesome feeling until RIck told me the town was 8kms long and hilly and I had planned to run to the other end to make it easier for the morning.
It is a real energy boost when you see the buildings for the finish line for that day and when you have a group of people waiting to say hi and cheer you in…
…Which we were lucky to have today as well – the Timaru Stroke club came out and met us which was primo. They had a donation and lots of smiles and I can’t thank them enough for making the effort too.
Then tonight we got taken out for dinner to the RSA and had a lovely meal. Thank you so much.
Our accommodation is at the Top 10 Holiday Park here and big thanks to Gor don for donating it.
Slowly getting closer to Christchurch and I just can’t wait to see the Kaikoura sign which means rest day and seafood. Nite all x
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 17 Studholme to Timaru