Foggy as hell this morning and everything was wet as, I packed up and got on the road by 6.30am. I had a good goal today and that was to get 108 miles or around 175kms to the Quebec boarder.
Once the fog cleared it was a beautiful day and not really any wind either so I was happy. Same as yesterday really with Rolling hills and what felt like more up than down.
I past lots of smaller towns and made it to Tim Hortons where I could get my blog done and have a brew. As I was seating there I got chatting to a indian couple, then all of a sudden a man came up to me and gave me a $20 gift card for Tim Hortons, He said “have a great trip good luck” and walked off. Who was this Angel in a light green top, b andana and long beard. It took me by surpise but made me smile from ear to ear. People want to help and today I got showen that. Thankyou so so much sir, it is a huge help.
Cruising up the road I got hungry again, I have been eating so much lately. I had one of my favourite snacks which is a packet of HoneyStinger Crews, You gotta try them if you can find some.
I had a good day just riding along and the kms disappeared nicely. Then again the clouds rolled in and it pissed down . This time for only like 15 mintues but I was soaked. Whats the point of raining for that long haha.
Then I found some dinner and then got into the last 20kms which would get me to the boarder. I then saw the sign I had been dreaming of all day. Welcome to Quebec!!!! Yahoo.
Right there was a petro station so I turned in and set up my camp right by the trucks again. I got a corona and bag of chips to celebrate getting here, would be nice to have someone to cheers but in the mean time I cheers to you all and thankyou for helping me get here. Love yas.
Another good day out here and I really feel like Im getting some where now. I have a shorter day tomorrow and will be meeting with a running friend from the US run. Who is it? Time will tell.
you all and thankyou for helping me get here. Love yas.
Another good day out here and I really feel like Im getting some where now. I have a shorter day tomorrow and will be meeting with a running friend from the US run. Who is it? Time will tell.
Aug 5th – Made it to Quebec finally yahoooo