I woke early and was on the road by 6.15, I wanted to get some miles done if the weather was going to be nice and with a few clouds around and not much wind I was glad to get up early.
My first goal was Fredericton for a couple of reason, first was for a coffee haha and the other was that passing here and getting west of here would mean that I have officially stopped going back on myself.
I mean I came through here on the way out east and finally after a month of riding I feel like Im going the right way. As you can see the moose out here are bigger than cars but Im still in search of one.
The day was nice and sun out keeping me warm, it was pretty UP or DOWN today which made me work a little but nothing you steep. I was feeling good and kept a good pace all day.
Then I noticed some clouds rolling in and shit was getting dark real fast, I knew something was up when group of motorbikers pulled over in front of me to put on their wet weather gears. I went past thinking “ pussys” haha but about 10 minutes later I was diving into my bags as it was starting to rain HARD.
Within minutes I was soaked to the skin and dodgeing hail stones 1cm round. They hurt to but there was nowhere to go and nothing I could do but ride on.
Funny that I rode right out the back of it and it was only about 25 minutes of craziness. I was back in the sunshine almost. Thunder and lighting flicking all around me and minion.
I found 4 licence plates, I j andle and 2 stuffed toys today. I have 2 plates from each state Ive been in which is nice and today got Quebec done too, 2 plates in about 2 kms.
Then I was just about to stop and saw a sign saying Worlds longest Covered bridge ahead. I thought and checked out where it was and turned left to go check it out. Just 5 kms over the min highway was Hartl and town, I found the bridge and rode across it , 1282 ft in length. Pretty cool to be able to see it along the way. Gotta do the tourist thing don’t ya.
I then headed back out to the highway to a truck stop where I had planned to stay, I did think of staying near the bridge but it was starting to rain hard and the storm only looked like it was here so went back.
I found my spot and set up camp, hoping for a shower but sadly no truckers showers here. Lucky I jumped in the river yesterday.
Chilled out a bit and time for bed. I got 108 miles in today which has set me up to I think make the Quebec boarder tomorrow evening all going well, that’s exciting .
Nite all.Thanks again for your support and messages these last few days.
Day 34, Worlds longest covered bridge and 5-10 mm hail stones in storm .