I arrived into Steamboat area and are staying about 25 miles out of town in Hayden. I cruised around with Tony and he introduced me to everyone, Heaps of Kiwis here and the whole community is super friendly and extremely sporty which is great. Bikers and runners everywhere.
I just missed the Steamboat marathon but heard about the Moots Ranch Rally which was a 50 mile bike ride around the surrounding Ranches. Not a race and me needing to get use to riding a bike again I entered.
With no bike I asked around and a kiwi Graham aka Bushy from Manic Training hooked me up with a bike , helmet and clothes to wear. Cant thank you enough bro. A great turn out of 150 riders which was max numbers and we headed off at 9am. I had no idea how my legs would go let alone how my bum would hold up.
The views were amazing and with no wind and a blue bird day we were all super stoked to be out here.
Lots of locals and local companies who believe in Moots and being healthy were all out there supporting us , Yummy Honey Stinger products and water at the aid station mid way when awesome food at the lunch break spot. Thankyou to everyone who helped out making a truly awesome day for us all.
I finished in 5 hours with 30 mins lunch which I was happy with as I didn’t go fast at all just to see how long 50 miles takes, As I said I had no idea. Good to know with the Canada ride starting really soon.
I got some mail the next day and it was a AWESOME letter and pictures from Classroom 4 at Chelsea Day school in New York. The kids made it for me and sent it over. Huge thank you to Jacob and his class for doing this and making me so so happy.
I did’t know but within 3 hours of Steamboat Springs is a lot of the places I have dreamed of going, Vail, Breckenridge, Aspen and Keystone. We went to see some friends in Vail and I got some shots along the way.
Dropped in here at this amazing house where tony’s friends live, Truly awesome house with views to die for .
Being summer and the sun out you know its ice cream time and as you can see Briar loves it, Me and Jack ate to much so were both full cactus after eating to much.
Im loving being out here and are looking at trying to stay around for the winter , The powder here in winter is deep and light, something I can’t pass by. The future will tell if that dream comes true but you gotta put it out there first for it to happen.
Moots Ranch Rally Bike ride, New Friends and magic views.