I had left myself only 32 miles to get into NY today and it was the shortest day I have had in ages. I thought if I had a good run I could get it done in around 10 hrs and the thought of finishing in the light of the sun was all I needed to go.
Always know when you are getting closer to a city as the rubbish is more and the cars are tooting at each other. Makes me laugh how people get frustrated when they get behind the wheel, thinking of the times I have too. What a dickhead haha.
The signs were appearing and I could see my original finish point of New York approaching. I was so excited as about 2 weeks ago I wasn’t sure when I would get here and to be on line to get to Boston to finish with Pat was now doable so I was excited. I had pushed so hard to get here and I had a few tears pop out today, Another goal hit and just one more to get too on this adventure.
My route had me to come in at the bottom of manhattan so I had to take a 6 minute ferry crossing here as you can see, not far at all but I wanted to run the length of it. Nice day to be on the water too. good views.
Crossed over and bamn lots of people and cars all over the place, I must say a lot of hot ladies too, haha I had a place to go and it was Grants apartment, my mate from back home was putting me up and rift down town. Perfect spot. Thankyou so much Bro.
My other awesome dear friend Richard came over for a beer and dinner, after doing a race yesterday he was in pain but struggled down to see me, Both of us limping a bit. So Awesome to see him and catch up. The Corona tasted bloody awesome. Cheers everyone.
So to get here I did 108 days, 3199 miles. About 11 or 12 days off. Not bad and more than I have done on any other adventure so I was feeling happy and super charged to get my bum to Boston by friday. 187 miles in 5 days is very doable and thats what Im going to do. We will then finish off on Saturday 9th by running the Boston Marathon course and then about 4 miles to the ocean to jump in and call it a day. But first must sleep and get ready for tomorrow. Still 5 days of moving. Thanks for all your messages and support to here and keep with us until the end.
Day 108 – Made New York and it feels bloody awesome!