We didn’t have to drive to the start today as we had run to the hotel yesterday which was nice for a change, Shacky and Vanessa get to chill while we headed out to see what the day would bring. The forecast wasn’t good so we started at 7.30am.
Pat was fully prepared with Plastic bags over his gloves which looked funny but worked a bloody treat. The first 2 hours weren’t to bad with a strong wind coming from the left side but then the rain started and the air cooled. We both weren’t to cold as long as we kept moving , I was moving a little slower than Pat and he went out so he wouldn’t get to cold. The longer we ran the colder it got and our jackets and pants started to freeze up, ice formed and although not crazy cold it wasn’t fun out there. We decided to stop at 22 miles ( 36kms) and find somewhere to chill out for the afternoon and get some chores done. No need to be out here in this kinda of weather. It was a good day and I hope the clouds will part for tomorrow. Huge thanks to Shacky and Vanessa for everything today again. AWESOME.
As we had pulled up a bit short of our planned stop we had to find somewhere to sleep so cruised around Throckmorton to find somewhere, The first 2 weren’t to flash or not open at all but then we found the “Lazy T Lodge” . A really nice old building which use to be a School Dom. The owner Robert Mitchell was awesome and hooked us up with a sweet room and made us feel right at home. If you ever pass through here you gotta stay here. Thanks so much Robert.
When we were in Roswell we also did this Radio interview with Q971 station. Huge thanks to Sean for sending us the link to it.
Nite All
Day 48- Fresh start to freezing rain, sweet hotel.