After a great 10 days running though California we had arrived in parker Arizona. Right on the Colora do river. A slow get up which was great and a god breakie and we were out looking for things to do.
Before I tell you what we got up to here are some of the things we found on the roadside since started. Pat is so good at finding things.
This is Our new mascot. he has no legs but is always happy, we named him Miles as we are running so many miles. he comes with me and Chris everyday.
Magic sunrise and the river fuller after some good rain last night.
The first challenge came with us jumping in the water. it was pretty cold but super fun.
Then we headed down to the Road runner pub which was next door to our camp. We got told to get a drink called ” Roadrapper” which straight away sounded dangerous . Of course we got one and well it wasn’t to bad. Got talking to the locals there and Joy behind the bar. she was super cool. Ordered some lunch and a beer. While there we meet Phil who told us he had a water company, after he heard what we were doing he said he would love to sponsor us some water. AWESOME, we chatted about it and he said he would be there at the start at 7.30am tomorrow. can’t thank him enough.
Then we headed to play on the slack line , set it up between the pontoon and played for a while. First time for most but it was super fun.
As we have the Colora do river right here me and Rob got challenged to row across it and back in 15 mins.but there was a catch. We had no boat or paddle. So we went on a mission to find them, not having much success we then remembered that we had a airbed so Rob got it and I borrowed a paddle from a older couple and it was on. The crowd grew bigger and cameras were out , we stripped off and with 30 seconds of prep we jumped on our “Contiki ” named boat. Not knowing if we could even get going we set off. We had 15 ins to get there and back. Rob on the back kicking and me on front paddling. It was SO much fun. Check out the Youtube clip that Pat took.
Newton made us a poem to fit our adventure on the Colora do.
Jup Brown New Zeal and and Robert Young the UK OVER AND BACK ON THE COLORADO RIVER
They crossed the Colora do
On a sleeping mattress float
They had a kayak paddle
But they didn’t have a boat
Jup did all the paddling
Rob was in the rear
Sometimes he kicked his feet
But only in low gear
They made good time and l anded
On the far side shore
They turned, waved and started
To paddle back once more
They made it back all intact
They did their countries proud
Long live UK, New Zeal and
USA cheers long and loud
Thankyou so much Newton. Your to awesome.
Then after that busy day and with a run tomorrow we mostly headed to chill and sleep. Me and Alex are learning to take photos so headed out in to the dark to see what we could do. This is the best
It was a awesome day and Im totally refreshed and ready for the Arizona stage which is 16 days and 404miles. 7 marathons, day off and then 8 more. Tough but will be fun checking out the state.
Nite all. Do you push ups /situps – 12
Rest day in Parker Arizona, Day 12