Sun sun sun, it was hot today but nice, some biggish hills which were long not steep . With not having to pack up the tents we got to chill a bit more before we drove out. We drove 30 miles to the start and were off running by 8am. The roads were so long and straight today and it took ages to get along them. Magic views .
Linda was sleepy today and for a change following me but once we hit the mid way aid spot she put on her headphones and took off. I didn’t even try to go with her. I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep up. She ran a great run and came in Sub 5 hrs, so so happy for her.
I ran the second half with Chris the Irish Goat from Texas, it was great to finally get a few miles together and have a chat. We cruised along and came in in a nice 5 hrs 19mins. Im happy to be able to keep this pace everyday. Had a tight Hamstring on the left side again but it was ok.
Pat has started a new page on facebook called ” Crap found on the highway that isn’t Fecal” , things that we find while running, Lots of fun looking, Pat is a legend at it. Rob found
Today we had a Sponsor of the day and it was Ultra Gam Gaiters. Thankyou so much for supporting us today and tomorrow.
Todays run looked like this. 43kms done. click here for full map
It was another great day but not much really happened. Looking forward to tomorrow as we are 2 days from Arizona. Yahoo.
Day 9 so still 10 of each push ups and sit ups, getting a few people doing it now so super stoked and makes me do mine. Thanks
Stage 8 day 9.