Another great day out there and I was feeling heaps better today. Started slow again but soon warmed up and I spent the day running with Linda. I have been trying to keep up with her for days now but she has been smoking me . She came running up behind me with some tunes playing and we started dancing our way up the road together. She is such a great runner, solid as. We had a blast today.
Today our Sponsor of the day was Fuel Me from New Zeal and, Andrew and the FuelMe team have been supporting me and I just loved having them get behind the team and this event as well. Huge for me to have them with us. Thankyou so so much. Check them out for all your Endurance event needs.
Cool start to the day but once the sun came out it was hot.We were running a mile and walking a 100m all day which works so well , keeps you moving always and lets you get just a little rest well before you get to tired. Perfect for my style.
We ran though a couple of towns and I found Andrew and Aaron on the street, was great to chat to them thanks for your smiles and support boys.
Saw these huge trucks today, these Americans love having trucks you can’t get into aye.
A few shots of a few of the runners , Chris, Linda , Dave and Vlad. Lots of fun chatting and running down the road.
Then Lindas friend turned up and drop off to young boys to come run with us, They were way to fast . But awesome to hear one of the boys had been doing 100 MC for 3 yrs now and man could he run. Loving it to he said, yahoo.
Chris had a drunk guy on a bike come up and chat away to him, you could see him nodding yes and laughing but later when I asked what he had talked about he said he couldn’t underst and him, was funny as.
More shots from today.
We arrived at the hotel in Palm Springs and there was a pool and Spa so you could imagine us, straight in. So so nice. Then it was dinner time. Mexican food and lots of it, Rob is awesome and man he can eat. Then ice cream and a quick stop at the Casino. Lots of fun times and laughs after another day out on the road.
Heres a little video from Day 1 of the run which Was made, a few of the runners got interviewed. CLICK
Hope your doing your push ups and sit ups, day 4 so just 10 of each. We are back out camping tomorrow so might be a day or so until I can upload next blog but will be writing them for sure so keep checking for updates.
Thanks so much again Fuel ME NZ and to everyone who said hello today.
Day 4 – Sponsored by Fuel Me NZ