Texas was so much fun. I flew into San Antonio to visit John Sharp who I had meet and run with in India at La Ultra the High race in 2012 and again in 2014. John is a great guy and has so much passion for running and life that it is always great to hang with him. He is also coaching people to run or train for whatever they love to do. check out his site HERE
There isn’t a day since I known John that he is not smiling and full of energy which is infecting. John took me on a quick tour as he was heading away the next day, We shot down to the San Antonio Riverwalk which is beautiful, Restaurants and bars line the river and lots of Mexican music playing. They had a drink called Coronarita and it was huge. Bloody tasty too.
Can’t thank John enough for helping me out with getting a phone and internet for my trip here in the US, Also for really getting this trip off to a fun start. Look forward to seeing and running together again soon bro.
I also got to meet and stay with Vincent Antunez and his family. A great friend of John’s he took me in when John left. Vincent has done so much in life and has started a great new company which makes Trail Toes Products. Trail Toes is a specially designed anti-friction cream with the distance runner in mind. It is made for every runner, regardless of the terrain, trail, or road you are on. I had tried some in India this year and it was great. I will be using Trail Toes for the run across US and are super stoked to have their support. Check them out HERE
Then I took the greyhound bus up to Dallas which was 5 hrs north. I was heading to see the Kreft Boys, Nigel and Grant who are from NZ. We use to play rugby with and against each other back starting in the Under 45kgs, yeah we dont weight that any more. So awesome to spend Xmas with them and there families. I hadn’t seen Nigel since maybe age 15 and Krefty was from Lon don days back in 2001. SO I was excited as hell.
Nigel has a company called JDK Metal Building Erectors . Based in Dallas but working in many other states throughout the US. They will coming with us on this US run and are supporting me in a big way which I can’t thank them enough for. When I run though Texas I will be trying to get to Nigel’s kids school to talk to the kids and hopefully a few other stops to meet different people connected to JDK.
I was only in Dallas for 2 nights but seeing Krefty and Nigel again, a few beers , amazing Xmas dinner ad some family time I left recharged and happy. Thankyou so so much for everything.
Texas stop over- San Antonio and Dallas