
Virgin Lon don marathon 2013

Awesome awesome awesome was all I could say when I got the call from Malcolm to say he had a entry to the Lon don Marathon. Of course I said yep Ill go and run for R4T.
Hit the Expo to pick up my bid and timing chip and had a look around, lots to see and people to listen too, everyone excited which makes the run seem easier which is how I do these runs, think of the fun and worry about the running when I have too,.
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This wall was great, everyone writing messages to family and friends, making wishes for success . Mine was to drop a little line in for R4T which I hope some of these amazing runners will come and join us on.
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Not sure if I bought the sunshine but man it was out . loved it. Thanks Lon don.
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New Balance hooked me up with some new shoes and they are awesome, so comfy . Even a br and new pair just slips straight on and I can run with no worries. Thanks so much to NB for their continued support.
Also my new Jersey from Bluetag, Ken and the team have been helping me since my japan run and have made it so much fun and helped me get to where I am now, Thankyou so much.
Early start just to get to the start line and even though I didn’t know where I was going just had to follow the red bags and I made it.
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3 Start points and I was in the Green. Only 3000 starters here compared to 30,000 in the red. Wow thats thats alot of peeps.
START!!!! Go
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I haven’t ever run with this many people today, A long way from the Himalayas The High-222km or evening running NZ but it was cool to have everyone to run with. The thing I did find was that not many people were talking, haha maybe I was suppose to be running a bit faster . Sun shining and new shoes I was loving it.
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Yep just ahead of Spiderman here but I think he got me near the end. Really great with everyone supporting different charities and dressing up. Lots of people had their names on their t-shirts and the crowd were calling their names as they run past, A great idea but I did get the feeling when people were having a little walk that when someone yelled out ” you can do it ” and ” keep going” that it might have been a pain.
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About when I hit the 5 kms mark the Wheelchair boys were crossing the finish line . Amazing athletes.
The great thing about this run is you pass so many famous spots, running over Lon don bridge down the busy streets and no cars was great.
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My favorite sign of the day!!!! SHUT UP LEGS.
Just when you might be feeling the pain you get Big Ben pop up in front of you and the crowds are going crazy down this final 2 miles.
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Around the last corners and quick hi to the Queen on the left there.
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And there it was My 3 rd run for the year 8 (yes a bit lazy ) but happy to have made it 42kms. I made it in 4hrs 43mins which I was happy with.
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Got my medal and was heading to meet Katy and her mate who had takin most of these photos and cheered me along the way. She found me in all those people which I thought was amazing. Thanks so much Katy.
SO FIrst run completed for Run 4 Tomorrow and so excited to get going and runt he world, Huge thanks to Malcolm for giving me the chance to run today.
Check out R4T at

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.