Before heading home I went back to My japanese home of Hotel Listel Inawashiro in Fukushima. Amazing place to work at anytime of the year. They have looked after me for the last 7 yrs. So many activities for everyone to enjoy.
My job was to help Koji with the Kayak tours in a near by Lake Onagawa.
With views of MT B andai and a beautiful small lake I knew my next 3 weeks were going to be fun.
Me and Mi dori were the back up team as Koji led everyone off around the lake.
Can’t complain can I with a work place like this one. We would take about 20-30 people out twice a day for a 3 hr trip each. Including a swim at the mid point were we would throw the kids around off swings that we had made . great fun for them and me.
I was in Japan for about 6 months this time from winter though to running the country and the summer jobs so a goodbye party with the Listel team had to be done. My boss Kai and Unai san along with Koji and Tai chan a few coronas and sushi I couldn’t be happier.
Thanks so much guys Ill see you again in 4 months in the winter.