
Japan- Cable Wakeboard World Cup in Odaira Tokyo

I stayed in New Delhi for 5 days as I was planning to do a little trip but I had no money left and couldn’t change my ticket so just chilled in the hotel .
Then I flew back to Japan as I had a job at the 1st Cable Waeboard World Cup   which was to be held in Odaiba in Tokyo .
Before I went to India I had met up with Gaku Hirasawa from BUFF Japan who has been amazing and supporting me on my Japan run. He had asked me to help out at the World cup and of course I jumped at the chance too.
I have really only worked at winter World cups for skiing and snowboarding so to move into the summer events to was just what I have been looking for .
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We were there on the beach helping set up for a few days before the athletes arrive. I was to help Gaku with the translating during the Comp. A super fun job.
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The opening ceremony was great and lots of people and media were down to watch the first cable world cup ever held.
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Right from the start I was seeing that summer events are super fun, Sun and water means smiles on everyones faces.
Huge welcome to Japan to everyone involved.
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There was about 15 different counties involved which was awesome. A great team from Japan here to show off their skills.
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I was blowin away by the way everyone poped out of water and made it look so easy.
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There were the best male and female riders here and I was in the best place to meet everyone.
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Rixen Cables from Germany had bought one of their cables all the way over and set it up . It took them a couple of weeks to set up and we were only here 4 days. A huge job but the team did a great job though the whole event.
The Stone Market girls keeping the people watching on the beach happy .
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This first photo below here was my view for the whole time. I had to stay here right at the start   and look after the athletes and Judges . I love my job haha.
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Lots of Companies had shops set up showing off their new gear and I made some great new friends .
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The whole crew involved were like  huge family, The atmosphere was amazing, smiles always and the way that everyone cheered each other on was great.
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Odaiba is a beautiful part of Tokyo  that I didnt even know was there and the views over Tokyo at sunrise and sunset were AWESOME.
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The last night after the comp before everyone flew there was the party which everyone got to have a beer and chat about the great week we just had.  Great to chiil with everyone.
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Huge thanks to Gaku san and everyone involved in running the event, huge success. Thankyou for having me and I hope that wakeboarding can make it into the Olympics from 2020 and really hope that Tokyo can host them . Fun times ahead.

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