Yesterday we finished at the wrong corner by mistake so had an extra 2kms to do straight up before we met the first people of the day so we did 49 today. Today was a busy day with a few people keen to join us, I couldn’t wait as it has been a while since we had a busy day. Here is Natalie and her boys, they made these great signs up and came and saw us off, so awesome to meet you all. Thank you so so much.
As I ran along I saw a couple of runners and as it was raining I didn’t really think they were coming to meet me but they were, Great! Pei and Tracy had run from town to meet me and then turned and ran back. So awesome to meet them and Tracy ran great, smashing a hill that we had along the way. Midway into Kerikeri I heard a huge cheer and as I looked left I saw a group of kids going crazy. I popped over to say hi to the Arohanui Early Childhood Learning Centre kids. They had been waiting for me, I was stoked to see them, I just love kids, they are awesome fun. Thank you so much everyone!!!
As you can see it was raining and I got real wet today. Rain normally means no people but not in Kerikeri. Debbie from Community Fitness who I had met in July has been amazing, since the first day I said hi she has been busy sorting and getting people behind our run. Deb and her hubby Grant put us up at their beautiful home and cooked us a beautiful dinner. Debbie and her group of gym members were waiting for us to walk though town. Can’t thank everyone enough for braving the rain to be apart of the run. Super!!!
They had signs up to try to get people to text in to donate and were waving away to the cars which made me super happy.
Then I got to meet a very special man, Bomber Brown. Bomber had a bad stroke but is doing amazingly with his rehab. He has been working hard in the gym with Trish at Community Fitness. Bomber came out and walked up the main street with me, I can’t thank you enough for meeting me B, great to see you working hard and challenging yourself and laughing the whole way.
I said goodbye and headed off towards a very special place in NZ history.
It pissed down on me and I was wet to the bone but today I was feeling so good nothing could bring me down. I rounded the corner and I was in Waitangi. Yep we had done another crazy off the main road loop, but when it comes to seeing NZ this is what you do.We haven’t done a straight line the whole way and I aren’t starting now. Running into the Waitangi Treaty grounds is a very special feeling. I had only been here once before and if you haven’t been here you gotta come. It is awesome.
We had some lunch and then headed out through Paihia along the waterside and into the hills. Narrow and windy with bush everywhere and a few hills just to make it tricky but as I said I was feeling great. My excitement for getting closer to the end is growing and after a few moments of low feeling in the last couple of days I was back big time, good to have those times as when you get your mojo back it’s all good.
Coming into Kawakawa a big smile came over my face, I had beaten the wind and rain and hills and visited and met some special places and people today. In my books that is a great day. I love my life and can’t thank everyone for making it like it is.
5 days to go!!!
A bit late but I got a couple of shout outs and happy birthdays to Sally Bublitz, BA and Nicola. Hope you all had an awesome day. Love you all. xx
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 62 – Kerikeri to Kawakawa