Last night we stayed at Kahoe Farmstay Backpacker and it was great. Stephano cooked us a mean pizza and there was a great group of people from all over the world staying there.
It was another beautiful day when we started and I was feeling good in the legs, but my mind was a bit tired. I’m so excited about getting to the end that it is taking ages, I think that you get this on any trip you do.
It was a day of hills as well which I don’t mind at all now, but today I wasn’t ready for this many, SO I pulled out the ipod and turned it right up and found that happy place I love and danced my way along and up.
With the hills you get the views and today there were heaps of great ones. As we came down a big hill there was the backpackers we stayed in and everyone had come out to cheers us past. There were Germans, Japanese, Italian, English and me the kiwi. That gave me heaps of energy so I was back and feeling double good with my tunes.
Ian here had seen us on TV and stopped for a chat which was super, he was planning to run with me but didn’t know where we were. But to have him say hi was just as good.
Back in July when I drove the course I had stopped in Kaeo and had met John who owns the Kaeo Farm and Fuel shop. So I dropped in to say hi, as I was about to say ” do you remember me” he yells “hey Jup how are you?” I was super stoked about this, he had been following us and he had been telling everyone we were coming, such an amazing feeling this to have someone I had dropped a flyer off to and only met for 5 minutes to then to be so happy to see you is a special feeling. His wife Helen and mate Grant were there too and we got this photo before I set off again. Can’t thank you enough for today John, you are a legend.
Then it was just a 18km run to finish off the day and as the whole day had gone that 10km was up hill, but with John’s power and my music loud and pumping I really enjoyed it. It tried to rain but didn’t come to much, and we arrived right on time into Waipapa which is just beside Kerikeri.
Even on these not so good feeling days awesome things happen and it is what is the main reason for getting me this far. Thank you all so much xx
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 61 – Mangonui to Kerikeri