Last night we stayed at Settlers Motel in Turangi which was most kindly donated from Helen and Wayne. They were great and had the spa waiting for us as well. Thank you so much.
I had been in touch with Shel don who is from Napier, he had emailed and said he wanted to join me for 2 days. So off we went to get into this 49km day.
After yesterday’s hills I had finished in a great place, so good that we had 20km of downhill with really only a couple of small hills. The weather wasn’t looking great and got a little wet but were trying to plan our breaks with the rain.
I almost forgot the most important thing of the day… At the 6km mark today we had a little dance in the road as we had just run 2,000 kms – Yahoo!!!!!! Amazing to think I have just done that and that Rick has drivin behind me at 9km/h and we are both loving it and smiling all the way. Thank you to everyone for helping us get here and we will keep going to finish this run off. Yahoo 2,000km and counting.
Then out came the sun and I couldn’t have been happier as have not seen it for a long time. I am really enjoying everyday and hope it keeps going for another 3 weeks. It’ll take a hell of a lot to bring me down from here, basically not a chance.
As we made Turangi, which is where we stayed, it was right on the 30km mark so that’s lunch in my world. Pulled in and fueled up and then set off to finish the last few km off.
I had missed this sign telling me I’m halfway, differently not halfway on my route. I’m so glad I haven’t just gone straight up the guts as I wouldn’t have seen half the stuff and met all the great people I have.
Tell you one thing I am loving being back on the big roads, I have really missed all the cars and waving to everyone and anyone. Shel don was great to run with, we just cruised along and talked a bit. I really enjoyed hearing about other runs and things he has been up to.
I pulled a silly face to Rick and of course he had the camera on me which I should have known. We were now running alongside Lake Taupo which was very nice. No wind so was great.
I would like to send out a huge thank you to Sarah Fagan who came and crewed for us for 4 days. Was great to have her as we hadn’t had anyone since Christchurch. Almost 20 days of just Rick in the van. I know he really enjoyed having Sarah there and she was just nice and cruisey. Thanks for taking the time to come from the other side of North Isl and to spend some time with Running NZ. xx
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 46 – Just out of Turangi to Motutere