Sorry for the late one, we were out in the bush yesterday and there was no coverage. We stayed the night before at the beautiful “Castle”. Just before Uruti heading north of New Plymouth and right on the beach side near Whitecliffs. An amazing old place with lots of character. Our super hosts Ian and Gwen Besley looked after us. Can’t thank them enough for hooking us up at such short notice. xx
No sun again today which is a first, as we have had such great weather the whole time but the Naki isn’t doing it for us. I was feeling great today so set out on this 50km day.
As I ran north down came the rain and at some times pretty hard, but nothing can really upset me now so I just pushed on through it. I had 2 big hills today and I took Mt Messenger first which wasn’t as steep as I remember, and with my new found fitness I ran the whole way. At the top I met a family who had passed me on the way up and had a chat to them. Thank you for your donation too.
With all the rain we got to see some waterfalls and just watch the greens change, which was great. Once I turned right off the main road we were heading into the real backcountry NZ, so so nice out here. You got to take these roads sometime just to go for a drive and see our beautiful l and and listen to all the sounds that are out there. So nice and peaceful.
As I pushed up the other big hill for the day, just as I found the top I was entering the Ruapehu District, which was the 3rd district for the day and also meant that I was in hill l and. With the clouds right down at my feet and no cars on the road I was just cruising along. I really enjoyed today seeing lots of different places and well I do miss the waving to the cars but great not to have them rushing past.
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 43 – Uruti to Waitaanga