Last night we stayed in Wellington at Rick’s sister’s house. We went out for Indian and I went home and Rick went out – great for him to have some out and not think about following my butt up the road.
We started today at Porirua and I had a running friend for the day – Kate Jenkins had emailed me saying she would like to join me, so off we set on our 42km day. Not a big one and with tomorrow our day off I was feeling awesome.
As we went up the road a few cars tooting and then 2 people at the end of the road were cheering us in. Cheryl and her man from our sponsor RUN THE RED were there to say hi. Great to meet them and get some extra energy. Run The Red have set up our text line which you can all donate $3 with the touch of your finger… Just text “STROKE” to 5339. Too easy aye. Help us make a difference.
Me and Kate were cruising along and it could have been the first time in a while nothing was hurting, just no little pains at all. I was loving it. Kate is a great runner and made it look super easy all day long. I was trying my best to keep up.
No we are not lost in this shot just Rick telling us to go this way and then that way to get a sweet shot. A great day and we ran along the ocean side for alot of the day. Sun was out which just added to the beauty.
No I wasn’t dancing here but I was in a real good mood. Starting to enjoy this running thing I reckon.
Heaps of Tongans out on the roads today after smashing the French last night which was so fun to watch. We met these Frenchies who now live in New Plymouth and we had a chat for a bit, lovely family who are going to catch us when we get there.
Kate is in a harriers group and Roger from the group came out and ran with us for a few km – awesome to have him with me. He is 68 and runs like a champion, great to listen to a few stories and he is organising more people to join us on Tuesday.
Also Pam (Rogers wife) came and ran a bit which was great. Lovely couple and great to meet you both. Kate and I were getting close and sped up a little near the end, there were clouds appoaching and we had had a great day with nothing so wanted to finish before it came.
I’m looking a bit rough or weathered here but will clean myself up tomorrow sorry.
At the end Kate’s hubby and daughter came down to say hi to finish off what I would call a great day, I really enjoyed it today and can’t thank Kate enough for that.
So me and Rick dog are into the North Isl and and all is going well. If you have friends up here and they like a run please let them know we are coming as I would love to meet them whether it’s a hello or a few kms together.
Went to the pub for a beer and dinner and watched the Warriors play a great game but sadly came an awesome second. Great year boys and we love what you have done this year for NZ.
Also good win for the ABs, come on the next round. Thank you all, nite nite.
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 32 Porirua to Waikanae