Huge thanks to Vyvienne and Brain Dunlop here in this photo for not just letting us stay at their house last night but for organising people, homestays, Mayors to visit us, Dinner parties and then lunch for today’s trip. So awesome to have you in our team for this Blenheim trip.
Our lunches were donated from the Redwood Bakery and they were so damn yummy sammies and muffins. Can’t thank you enough.
We drove out to Renwick to start this 50km day off and I was feeling good again. Sun was out in a big way and I was just loving the run into the valley ahead. Super green grass and bushes everywhere, I couldn’t ask for more.
Our first stop of the day was at the Havelock School and the kids were great, heaps of energy and fun questions. I love this photo of us all in the playground. Thankyou for having me and Rick.
Then while running out of Havelock I heard a lady yelling from behind me to find her running down the road. Wishing me best of luck and a quick photo we were back off, thanks so much for chasing me down.
Then next was a stop at the Canvastown School with 49 students we sat around and had a chat. I hope I’m getting better at these talks… the kids seem to enjoy it, I’m sure they would tell me otherwise. So many cool stories of their broken bones kept me laughing. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk and also the huge goodbye cheering was awesome.
Later in the arvo my right quad started to tighten up again so I went from side to side of the road to try and work it out , didn’t work much but we made it anyways. Still finding myself talking to the animals all the time. Today I got to pat these calves which was a change. They all follow me along the length of the pad dock which is cool.
Over the bridge and with 5km to go I was hurting alot to be honest, but as I came around a corner I spotted and little lady in the distance. I had met Abbagale at the Canvastown School and she was waiting for me – great timing to give me the extra energy to get me to the end. Thank you so much for waiting for me. I know I took ages to run towards you, ok maybe I did walk a little bit…
We are now only 50km from Nelson which is great and 2 days of running left in the South Isl and. Who would have thought I would ever run it, not me that’s for sure. Thank you to everyone who clapped and cheered me and Rick on – yes Rick too, he is doing all the driving by himself at the moment and doing it all with a smile on his face, love ya work bro.
Tomorrow we are running for my cousin Mason’s lovely girlfriend Hannah – her Gr andmother had a stroke last week so I will run for Jill Polson all day tomorrow. Please get well soon. xxx
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 28 Blenheim to Canvastown