After an awesome night at the Bush Inn last night we slept super well at mum and Brain’s. Thanks for putting us up.
Matt Jackson in the van with Rick and me and my bro Smithzzzzz ready to run with me we were off.
Heading out of Christchurch took ages and I think Smithzzz might have taken us the long way but sun was shining and legs feeling good so I didn’t really mind.
Along the way we met John and Sharon Lee from ChCh, great family friends from when I was a young pup. They stopped to say hi.
After the Close Up interview last night we had heaps of people stopping me along the way and saying hi – Loved it . Hearing how they liked it and that made me feel super good. Lots of toots and waves today which just kept me jogging along with a smile on my face. Thank you to everyone who wrote me emails and texts and said hello, you have made this day real special. I will reply in a couple of days once I make Kaikoura for our day off.
A huge thank you to Matt Chisholm who did the interview for Close up, great work bro . I loved every minute of it and you got it just how I wanted it to be. I am feeling the love from everyone thanks to you. THANK YOU!!
Me and Smithzzz cruising along on our way to Waipara… We had 60km to run today so no small run by any means. We used to live in Lon don together in what could have been the best little flat down on Princes Ave. We were talking old times the whole day.
With our little bit of extra kms on the day, and Smithzzz’s feet getting a little sore from the camber on the road, once we hit the 60kms we thought that was it for the day and Smithzzz jumped in the van after a great day out. Rick being the super crewman he is sent me back out to run whatever it was I had left to get to Waipara. Lucky it was only 1.5kms.
Smithzzz finishing a good day with a huge smile just as we started and the only way too. Love ya work bro thank you so much for spending the day with us, sorry it wasn’t a shorter one.
At about the 50km mark I had a call from the doctor I saw yesterday about my wrist and he had had another doc say we need more xrays on my wrist. So once I’d done the 61kms and we had checked into our room for the night at the Sleepers Backpackers (which is old trains made into rooms, pretty cool) we headed back to Christchurch for the xray. Not really what you want after a big day but off we went to find that all was sweet and the little gap they thought was not supposed to be there was in fact on the other h and too and all was normal.
Hungry, sleepy and another 60 old kms tomorrow… it is sleep time.
Today’s route- Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 21 Christchurch to Waipara