With heaps of support down at Kai we headed off towards cromwell. We have 55 kms today to do. Bryce and Pete Jackson walked with me to the edge of town as I tryed to warm up my stiff legs. Then saying goodbye I had Bianca,Yoyo(on Bike) and Simone running with me.
Bianca left us at Luggate (thankyou so much for coming Bianca) and me and Simone boxed on, she is going the whole way with me which is great. I was in some pain and she just helped me keep going and watching her run was awesome. She is super fit and so much fun so we chatted our way down the town.
Started with a bit of rain falling but then sunshine . Was a great day to run.
As I was resting in the back of the van with my legs up the team chilled in the sun at lunch time. When I got some energy and we pushed on .
Along the way Dave Roberts one of my good friends and old teachers stopped and said hi, great to see you Dave. We made it to 2 kms short of Lowburn with almost a hour to spare so went and chilled at a cafe and mike got a few runs in on his skateboard.
At Lowburn we had a great group of about 12 people from Cromwell and the Major Tony came along to run with us, Was great fun and their support was great. We ran and meet some others at the big fruit .Got some photos when headed for a little receiption at the Golden Gate Lodge where we where staying for the night as well. A huge thankyou to Glen from the Golden Gate and Greg from the Local lions club for organizing everything here in Cromwell.We also had the local stroke club members come to say hi which was great to hear their stories of their stroke experiences. Everyone put their h ands in pockets and raised $235 . Thankyou so very much everyone!
Today’s Route – Zoom out to see where I ran…
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Day 8 – Wanaka to Cromwell