Got up at 7am and was feeling great which I was happy about.
After breaky said our goodbyes and thank yous to George and Patrica at the Dipton Diary – they were awesome and looked after us 3 boys.
A mate from school, Ross Curtis, who is living in Lumsden came and ran the first 25km with me. It has been a good 15 years and we had a great catch up while knocking down the kms.
The sun was beaming and no wind, I couldn’t ask for more really. Again today we had lots of cars and trucks tooting to us. We also had another charity event go past – it was a convoy of mopeds or small bikes. So funny, there must have been well over 100 of them, all dressed up and they were riding for prostate cancer. They were riding from Bluff to Queenstown, looked like heaps of fun and by the time they all passed I had a tired arm from waving to them all as they were all tooting and cheering me on. Thank you all.
As we were running along a car pulls over and a lovely lady named Jenny pops out to say hi, and then she said she is also a reporter and we did an interview on the side of the road. Jenny was so nice and we had a great chat.
Rest time on the side of the road in the beautiful sunshine. We stopped for lunch down by the river and met Ross’s family, great to meet you all. Thanks so much Ross for your support and energy – Sorry we took the long road bro.
Have a look at that view, Southl and put it on for us today. Just before we finished today we had a couple that pulled over and I stopped for a chat (I’m always keen for a chat), really nice people. Anna and Sebastian are heading to Wanaka and are coming to party with us on the 7th.
It wasn’t a huge day today but we did 41km. I was off the road by 2:30pm so have had a good rest. Tonight we got invited to a mate of Scott’s place here in Five Rivers, Tony. It was Tony’s birthday (big happy birthday) and we got to celebrate with him. Very friendly family and was great to meet them and their friends. Thank you!!!
Day 3 Map- Zoom out to see where I ran today
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Day 3 – Dipton to Five Rivers