
Last couple of days

On saturday was lucky enough to catch up with a great friend Yuko and my other friends were having a fundraiser at there club called Cube, they were raising money for the Tsunami affected areas here in Japan so we went along.  The event was called “Brave Japan 311”   they had a great turn out and the tunes were awesome.
Then yesterday came back to Fukushima and today went and got my new visa stamped in the passport, I got a 3 year extension so are super happy. G
Good to be back in the countryside and are off for a run ,has been a couple of days so really looking forward to it, back to Tokyo tomorrow for the rest of the week til I fly out for Australia on sunday. A couple more meetings to go to and also meeting up with Footmark who are supporting us in NZ, Thanks Footmark team.

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.