
24th 25th June in Tokyo

Hi all, I have just been chilling in Tokyo for the last 2 days, meeting with my friends and just relaxing. off to Fukushima tomorrow to get my visa sorted and stamped in the passport.   Then back here again to meet with Footmark, they are getting behind us and are going to give me and the team some running underwear/undershirts to use . Awesome .  Today  I had to go and get some new shoes, my others that I had got wrecked while in Nepal and Everest. I havent tryed them before but have got some Asics Gel-Akayano 17 .Wow they have some cushion in the heel,  looking forward to trying them out tomorrow when I get in the country side. Saturday night in Tokyo means for all sorts of fashion to be walking the streets. Will go and see what I can find.  ciao

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.