I woke to rain and decided to keep sleeping as I had nothing planned until 9.30. I couldn’t sleep that long so just relaxed and checked out my photos of the trip so far. Then checking out the weather for the next few days I saw nothing but clouds and rain which made me start to think if it was even worth trying to get a few kms done after my little Rotary Lunch/chat that I had been invited too. Quick cook up with my Soto cooker and a cuppa and I was ready for the day. I went for a spin on my bike without any gear on it and almost fell off again, it was so so light and felt really funny but I thought it would be nice to have nothing on. Oh well building good muscles aye.
I then had a cool chat with my good friend Kevin Hewitt and Ryan in Lon don and chatted about some cool ideas they are doing and I hope I can help with, exciting times.
During that time I had decided that I wouldn’t push on today, Craig & Paula Huxter who I had meet the other night at a camp ground had invited me to chat at his Rotary club here in St Johns. Craig also said he would take me around to a few spots around town which I was super keen to do so I booked another night at the camp. When Craig came to pick me up he then invited me to stay at his house with his family, A bed, nice people and someone to chat to was all I needed to say yes Please. So amazing how people help out so much. I quickly packed up my camp and loaded the gear on the truck and we were off to lunch.
We were at the Holiday inn for the meeting of the Rotary Club St Johns North West, we had some lunch and then I got to talk to everyone and tell them about this adventure and the 100 Mile Club, So lucky and stoked to be able to share the awesome things we do and how everyone gets involved and makes it amazing. Thank you so much for making times for me and letting me be apart of your day. I really enjoyed it.
Then we went up Signal hill which looks over St Johns, amazing views just looking but I thought I would get the drone out and get more shots of it. A little foggy and windy but it flew well and I got some sweet shots. It pulled a good crowd too everyone coming over to see the drone. Here are the shots.

Then we went shopping and I got a few things I needed which was a huge help, needed a mud guard for my wheels as the other day when it rained I got more wet especially on the bum/back from the water. Then some food, I got to go to my first Costco which is huge, i wanted heaps but just can’t carry much. Fun anyway.
Then we went home and I got to meet the kids Alec and Marissa and Alec’s friend Jamie, awesome kids and super friendly, we chatted heaps while I was getting my stuff ready. Marissa also showed me her Hamsters Buddy and Carlos who lived in this mansion of a bubbles and tubes. We when flew the Drone and took some shots of their neighbourhood. So much fun doing it with kids. I got my tent dried too after the rain we’ve had the last 2 days. Got things charged, did some washing and had a awesome dinner, yep a home cooked dinner and it has been a while. Then as Marissa was heading to bed she surpised me with a 2 presents, a b and she h and made and a book , Alec also hooked me up with a cable to help connect my solar panel up with. Thank you so much!!!
So nice having great people to chat with, learning about the area and where I’m heading too. I was told that New Foundl and locals are super friendly and would do anything for you well the Huxter family is that 100%. I can’t thank you enough for not only helping me put my tent up last week and now making my whole time here in St Johns amazing. Thank you.
Well you will be wondering if Im riding any more, Yes I will hit the road again tomorrow morning and head off on this 9-10 day tour or New Foundl and which from the brochures I’ve seen the place is only going to get better and more wild, Yahoo. Be ready for some amazing photos and footage that will be coming here .
Thankyou Thankyou thankyou to everyone Ive meet the last 3 days and Im excited to see what will come tomorrow.
Dream big and go after it .