What a great sleep I had, nothing at all planned and nowhere to go so I just relaxed. Then I was off on a mission to find good internet and get these blogs up. So sorry and hope I can get them done quicker from now on.
I settled into Tim Hortons and with a couple of coffees and yes a doughnut I worked away at uploading blogs and charging everything I could.
I also had a go at making maps for the routes to come, first New Found L and which is around 900kms long. Ill have a couple of days off in the Gros Morne National Park as it is amazing, you will see what I mean in a week.
Then the rest of Canada, not to far just around 8300kms, OMG, I hope I can get across by Start of October.
then the last section down to LA and 100 Mile Club headquarters after Huntington Beach of course. This part is about 2500kms. Hoping to make it to the end by mid November. Just in time for winter to CHILL OUT ALOT.
I got everything done which I’m stoked about and feel a bit less worry, funny how thats the only worry I have and it felt huge. I just love sharing the adventures with you all and more so the photos. As you can see I’m in some pretty amazing places. Do you like the Drone shots? I love them and it even shows me just where I am.
So tomorrow I have a little lunch and talk with the local Rotary club which Craig from the other night is taking me too and then its back on the bike and heading west. Im excited and hope you will keep following. #4thekids #100mileclub
July 20th – Day off in St Johns NFL, catching up on everything , maps and planning.