I set off this morning with one goal and that was to finish this last 40+ mile day, Yes After today there are no more and that is the best feeling ever for my feet. I also had no where to stay tonight and no hotels anywhere close and the Fire Department no doing 24hr shifts I was not looking good but I had all day to find that someone who might help out.
So many little towns I went through today and first up was Durham, Lots of history here and dates way back in 1600’s. Beautiful old houses lined the streets and lots of different styles.
Had a decent sized river to go over today and saw a different way that one of the bridges opens for the boats that come through, it twists sideways, never knew that was a way.
Another spot had a cool lake called Pocotopaug and I saw some water skiers, So wanted to have a ski. Just out of another town I saw this painted rock of a eagle, it looked awesome and you could see it along ways a away.
I was able to keep a solid pace today and with all but the same distance I did it 1 hr quicker than yesterday and felt like I had more breaks. I did 43 miles again today.I was very tired at the end and even though the hills weren’t huge they felt like it , And every time I thought there were no more another one popped up to my disbelief.
I had called up the local church and asked if I could stay and Father Perry called me back to say he could help, Yahoo I thought. I Arrived at the Saint Peters Church at 7.30pm and he had just finished his service. Showed me around and had a quick chat. Super nice man and has saved me from sleeping outside or trying to run the night again which Im no good at at the moment, Big thank you to Father Perry for trusting a kiwi on the end of a phone, Not many people would haha.
So only 2 more days until I get to meet up with Vanessa, Shacky and Pat and Im super excited to see them again. Pat arrives into Boston tomorrow and will have a day off which he has so deserved, The man is amazing and has blown this US run away. I have loved watching him everyday and feed off his positivity. Thanks bro. Shacky and Vanessa offered to come help me for the last day but they have worked so so much on this run for me and Pat and they need to rest and get ready to get back to their awesome lives. Thankyou so much for the offer xxxx Just a pick up at the start point of the Boston marathon course on friday evening will be awesome I said . Well better get some sleep still 2 days to get my butt there. Thanks for the messages and love, .
Oh forgot to say a big thank you to a Man yesterday by the name of Jay, I was st anding in line to get a coffee and just as I went to pay for it he offered to pay for it, without even knowing what I was doing, just a friendly offer. Thanks so much Jay and it was awesome to talk to you , sorry i had to get going again. Ill be in touch.
Day 111 Hebron CT, Moved well but didn't like the hills at end much.