Day 5
I woke at 5.45am to get my gear ready to pack up the car again, still trying to sort out everything so I don’t have to move so much gear everyday. We met down at the cars at 6.30 and got the car packed and headed in for a quick breakie and hit the road by 7.15am, about 30mins drive back to the start from Palm Springs.Magic sunrise
Today was to be a huge day and the biggest climb of the trip. Around 3000ft of climb which isn’t huge but the hills were to be long. I started slow as we headed off into the windmill farm which looked great with the mountains and clouds which were in the back ground. I was running alone and cruising at my speed, walking a lot as I’m still finding my feet.
I made it to the half way point just as Linda caught me and we headed off up the river bed which ran beside route 62. It was fun to not be on the road and even if it was a little harder I enjoyed it as I got to move different muscles and stretch out a bit. The first hill was steep but not to long and then as we came over the top I saw this road that seemed to go on for ever and somewhere at the end was another hill. Not steep but bloody long. Im loving my point6 socks had to get a quick shot with them.
I was hungry so stopped in at the K mart, made a new friend and picked up a ice coffee, banana milk and what I thought was going to be a awesome DING DONG dounut thing , I ate them and the coffee as I normally do with a lover of sweets smile on to then 10 mins down the road be bent over thinking I was going to be sick and have a pain in my guts that was killing me.
I think I had over dosed on sweets, a first for me I must say haha but that Ding dong had taken me down. Struggling to be able to catch back up with Linda I tried to forget my stomach and drink it away with water. It took about 6 kms to feel better and boxed on to finally catch Linda so we could walk this last hill together.
A couple of the RV’s passed us and I watched them go up the hill thinking they would get over it quickly but they took ages so that made me think shit this hill is long. About 10kms from the very bottom and that’s a long way when you can see it all. We finally made it over and ran the last 3-4 kms to the park where the end was. A long day out with a time of 6hrs 19mins but still happy to be done.
We then headed to the camp ground. Been a day off tomorrow we were a little excited and we all seemed to forget we had just run 5 marathons in 5 days and started a game of Ultimate Frizbee. So much fun and a good little bonding blow out hour was had.
We set up tents and everyone did there thing, some went out for a beer at a local bar and I went out taking photos. I have always wanted to learn how to take night shots and you would think after having the camera for at least 7 yrs I would have tried, so tonight was it, Straight on Youtube and a quick lesson to then feel like a cameraman with some sweet shots happening. Then I had a idea to get creative and Sam and Andrea came to help, We got a touch and on a slow shutter speed setting we wrote stuff in the sky, it was so much fun. Patrick came over and played too. Here’s what happened, awesome aye.
After doing that for a couple of hours and having a early school visit in the morning we all headed to bed to get some sleep. Great to have day 5 done and everyone still moving well.
Did my sit ups and push ups and it was sleep time. Did you do yours? Nice work.
Day 5 – Hill day