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I had a call from my mate YU jun last night and he said he was going to be here by 8am to come run with me but I thought with a 3 hour drive that he might not make it at all. But at 7.30 I got a call from him saying he was here and ready to go. we got him on the way past and he would take the train back here later. I havent seen him for about 5 yrs so it was a fun day catching up. Yu works for Korean Airlines at the Aomori airport.
It was a very foggy and overcast day but a warm 20 degrees . Yu had never run more than about 10kms but was here to change that. He told me at the start of the day he would run to Kuji and I thought ok bro thats 40kms , this would be interesting. But he ran it easy as. so awesome to see someone push their own limits and enjoy it.
We made Kuji by 1pm and had a quick lunch before I headed off to finish the day and Yu went home. Thankyou so much for coming bro.
I are trying to make the last day a nice shorter day so are running a few mms extra each day this week, so I whipped out 56kms again today. Shingo the Hotel finding master hooked us with sweet place again , nice work bro.
4 days to go .
Here is the map of todays run Click Here