
Day 65, Shiogama to Onagawa

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Ohayo everyone, Another great day on our little trip up Japan.
We had a awesome break from ladies of Katsura Isl and. Then we headed down to get the 7.15am boat back to Shiogama. This first photo is on Katsura isl and and the height of the trees here is the height of the tsunami that come though. Amazing isn’t it. Then we have a hot of the harbor and from the earthquake the ground all dropped and cracked everywhere.
We had a great time and have to say a huge thanks to Miyuki and everyone there for making us feel more than at home.
The view as we left the isl and.

Me ,Miyuki and Yuri set off as we had 55kms to do . Well I did anyway. Yuri did awesome again and did 13kms and Miyuki did 23 , amazing effort. Her dad also came along and followed us with Shingo. We also meet a couple of his mates too, Will be back after I finish as they do Sea kayak tours and this area is awesome, Isl ands everywhere. SO nice.
As we ran along the were a few areas that were just smashed apart, this one town we passed is now a lake, the whole area is under water. Train lines are all down and trucks still out in the lake. Houses still just sitting there broken and unlivable.
MIyuki has been here the whole time and is from Shiogama so she told us heaps about what happen in all the different spots.
As we went though Ishinomaki I noticed there were all these fishes hanging along the street. They had messages written all over them.
As the day went on and we neared the end we arrived in Onagawa. Now this place has smashed into a million bits, so so sad and unbelievable  to see. there was full concrete buildings that have been turned on their sides. The road was under the sea level now and just the whole town almost gone.
There was 10,000 people living here before and now only 5000, about 800 people lost their lives here. We meet up with 2 Mr Suzuki’s and they told us heaps of things. We were sitting up in this cafe on top of a hill and when they told us that the wave came up to the carpark I had to have a second look as we were up about 15 m . The second wave that came though the town was 20.3m high. WOW it just smashed everything . Picking up ships and dropping them in town. I bought a book of photos that is from before , the day after and then now, it is so sad, I will get a few shots and show you then you will be able to underst and. Crazy to see it now.

I will be back here for a music fest which is held on 15th July, just after I finish my run . will be good to see everyone and chill for a bit. Mr Suzuki is from kesennuma and he made a few calls and has started to help us sort out a finish party. Its getting close and we well I have to start thinking of it. Exciting stuff. Still a month away but it will fly by.
Here is todays run Map       Click here

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