
Day 42, Yatomi to Gamagori

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The sun was out and I was feeling pretty good so we were off to a good start. I have a new driver from today, Shingo Kusunoki one of my great friends in Japan who I have known for 12 yrs now since he was 14. He arrived by over night bus early this morning to help me out for a few weeks, A huge help like you wouldn’t believe.
Today was another big day out there with 64kms done. Was a pretty normal run and pretty flat until I got to km 55 when I had to climb a hill 2kms long pretty steep too and I couldn’t walk it at that time of the day so I dropped down a gear and ran it. felt good to have that go at that time of the day.
I had a email and call from Jess a kiwi from Auckl and now living in Kariya near Nagoya. Jess here in the white top came and ran for 10kms with me , was so awesome to have a fellow kiwi with me.
These 3 photos were taken by Toki san, he is a pro photographer who is always at the World cup comps that I work at. He came out to get a few shots . He brought  a couple of friends and Mae here in the Black run a km with us too. Thankyou so much for joining me today. Toki san thank you so much.

Jess’s flatmates also came to where we finished and had made a great big lunch for us . SO awesome and can’t say thank you enough. Thanks for bringing so much great vibes and smiles and taking the time out too.
As I ran under a bridge today I found this dude playing his drums , he didnt even know I was there, enjoying his music in the beautiful spot.

As I got to the top of that hill at the end of the day this was the view of Gamagori that I had to come home with, Great aye.

We then drove about 45 mins to get to Listel Hotel at Lake  Hamamako in Shizuoka. It is the same company as I work for . I was excited as I was going to be able to catch up with Ochiai san again. He has been so amazing and has been so busy finding support and media teams to come and do stories on our run to help get the word out.
It is the first time I have come to the hotel   and it is in a awesome spot, right on the lake, U can fish out of your win dow.  We had a great feed and meet  a few of the staff.
Also Ochiai san has made these t-shirts for the supporters that come with us tomorrow. Thankyou so much bro.
Another great day and we are getting closer to that 2000km mark which is half way. Very exciting. Also getting closer to Mt Fuji and should be able to see him on the horizon in the next couple of days, yes my board is ready to go and me too, just need a sunny day and we will climb it on the 18th. Yahoo!!!! Who’s coming?   Call me if you want too.
Here are a couple of photos that Hazuki took yesterday that I didnt get up, Thanks heaps Hazuki.
Here is todays run map       Click Here

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.