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After a great sleep and breakfast we headed to the start in yes the rain again. It was still the same as yesterday and I was thinking it could be a long day. But not to be and in about a hour or so it cleared to just clouds. It made for some nice colours and clouds in the mountains. I was heading into the hills and after a 5km climb I got to cruise alongside a river and enjoy the day.
I had a visit from Manabe san who had heard of our run though Katsuhiko Takashige of the Peace run. He has been helping me get the word out and this just shows how much he is doing for me, I can’t thank him enough. Please everyone check out his Blog and support him, he will be running Japan for the second time and then going to Aussie and NZ to run them. Click here
Thanks to Manabe san for driving an hour to come see me before he drove to the other side of Japan to go run a 70km marathon.
Then I met this guy who was out to walk a few hundred kms over the holiday time. Hope he enjoys his time.
I then wanted to help Dan get the word out so put a little ad on the wall of the tunnel. Not sure if it will help business but I enjoyed doing it, might have been a little bored but it kept me going.
Here are a few more shots of the day, I like the second one of the highway going right over top of the baseball field. It was a great day and we did 55kms in 7.5hrs. Not bad. Slowly getting fitter.
Dad has been busy driving but has also been busy on the camera, Rick would be proud of him. Here are a couple of shots he took today of me RUNNING. Yes I am and enjoying it. Noyuri also had her first drive today and is getting used to the van.
Today my great friends Hide and Aki came from Tokyo. Hide is my great friend for 20yrs now and his company Recovery Service is one of my sponsors. Aki has been busy introducing me to a lot of her friends/contacts and they have all come together and made so many things happen. I’m so lucky to have these 2 on my team. I can’t thank them enough for coming all this way to cheer us on. Thank you.
I forgot to say yesterday but I had a radio interview with Hamamastu FM Radio which was sorted by Ochiai San, who is one of my great friends and who I have been working under and with at Listel which is the company I work with in Japan.
Then today I had a call from Jujumo in Okinawa who do a show at Toyomi FM radio. They had me as a guest 2 days before I started and they were checking up to see how things are going. A huge help and awesome support . Thank you so so much.
Here is today map Click here