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Me and dad woke to the sound of rain and yep with a quick look outside I had the jacket on and was off to wet. And did I get wet right down to my skin. Couldn’t get many photos as it was raining to much. It wasn’t a super scenic day which was lucky.
I found my little Buddha friend again , he keeps popping up right when I need him.
There were a few people out walking like this man, love his hat.
Dad driving like a champ again, he got a couple of shots as I came into to finish and man was I happy to finish, bit of a long day in the rain. We did 53kms in 7hrs which I was happy with, Im running better and feeling good.
My great friend Noyuri has come down to help out and keep dad company which is awesome, She came from Tokyo and will be here for the next 4 days. Will be good for dad just to chill and enjoy the scenes instead of watching the road. Nahomi was here again but didnt jump out for a run today. not silly like me.
Its Golden week here from tomorrow so all the hotels are fulling up real fast. we had to sit down and try and sort the next few days out as every japanese person must go on holiday over the next 5 days, all most every hotel is full. Hope we dont have to get the tent out.
Back out there tomorrow in the rain I think but all good. Im still looking for drivers to help out so if you know of anyone from osaka area that could help let me know please.
Nite all
Here is the map of todays run Click here