
Day 17, Kamae to Tsukumi to hospital

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Well what a day that turned out to be. I woke to a beautiful sunny morning and off I went. I had 50kms to go until I have a day off so nothing stops me on these days.
 the view from my room.
I had a pretty good day ahead and there would be lots of water views and to my surpise a bloody great hill to climb up as well, they didn’t get the tunnel in at a low level on this day but a good work out all the same.
I meet this lovely older lady today as I was having a break and she drop a few dollars in for donation and I asked if I could have a photo with her and she was like “oh no thank you Im to old” then within 5 seconds was going ” ok but no tin the sun ,over  here will be good” I laughed and quickly got the shot before she changed her mind.
As I had about 10kms to go I run into these kids going home from school, damn kids are fun. They looked at me and were straight over to say hi. I will have it up tomorrow but I had the go pro videoing the whole thing, it is great ,sorry all in japanese but fun to watch I think anyways. They pushed my cart for a bit too . Thanks kids, I loved meeting you all.   ARIGATOU

Then right where I had planned to finish for the day I found a big hospital and even though it was 5pm and everyone looked like they had gone I went in a asked the doc to see me. He said yes and I asked for a MRI straight away. I told him what I thought and he asked some Q’s and thought yes we need a MRI so they hooked me but in a funny position and I couldn’t move for 30mins to then find myself all most stuck in that position. Once I got up and saw the doc he said I have a T8 compression fracture, not a good thing I take it then doc.
Here in this photo just under the green line you see a white part over the bone well thats blood beading inside and the bone has been compressed, opps. The way I have been pushing the buggy and the weight of it has probably done it. No muscles will not help either. One good thing is that Im still aloud to carry on just walking for 2 weeks for a start and well no buggy would be better so I will be sorting all my gear out and seeing how I can do this for the next 2 weeks. I really need a driver for me van now. Dont want to struggle with the buggy all the way. Im not that strong.
I have tomorrow off in my plan anyways so all sweet there. I won’t be missing a beat if I can help it. I have walked the last 2 days so Ill just have to keep that up, so sorry to everyone for not running but Ill be back twice as strong and running I promise.
Got some good drugs and a nice bed so all is happy.
Just as I was checking in I met this fine young man who was my last person I was lucky enough to meet for today, Cheers bro.

Here is the map of today run     MAP 

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.