
Day 11, day off in Kagoshima

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After arriving here last night I found a hotel and just chilled out big time. I did the washing and hit the pillow.
After a lie in and a good breakfast I had a lot of emails and things to do to catch up, Then I went out for a walk once the rain had stopped and then I met up with Uto san. He had been in contact a few days ago and he had sorted a interview with his radio station MBC here in Kagoshima. I meet up with the Pony girls and we did a live cross over from downtown. It was super fun and they were a great team to work with.
The MBC station is a Am station and while we were talking I got to meet a Boss of a FM radio station too, Could be lucky enough to get a chat on it too, Funny how I keep running into people while doing something else. Love it.
Uto san took me out for a coffee and said I had to try the desert, this yummy icey fruity desert was awesome, thank you so much for your support and keeping me fat.
I want to say a huge thank you to all my sponsors and supporters who have helped make this run come alive. New Balance for my shoes and clothing, Foot Trainers for my in souls for my shoes, Vskins for my awesome running tights, Zun for our support van that is waiting for me in Hiroshima, RMPlumbing & Stormbird Photography & Georgiou in Australia for their amazing funding help, Suunto for my great watches,Buff headwear for my awesome b ands I wear to keep the dreads in line,  Mooka team for being there right from the start with love and smiles and huge donations to help Tohoku . I will tell you more of the amazing support I have had from other companies tomorrow . So many people have helped me .
Then I just chilled out ,thought about the week ahead and where I will be going as I have no real idea. Never been here and not knowing anyone means for another exciting week ahead.
Over the last 10 days we had some good donations and we raised 30,000 yen , Thankyou so much to everyone who donated.
Im on the main l and now and its time to up the Kms to the 50 a day. Going mean a bit more time out on the road but that just means more time to meet more people, I look forward to meeting who ever comes around the corner.

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adventure speaker

Jup’s search and love for connecting with people living their passion, sharing adventures and lives of awesomeness.