Today I woke early as always but lay around a bit, then left Rick to sleep for both of us. Our hotel The Sebel is right on the waterfront so I had a beautiful breaky with a great view.
After that I was off to do the chores of washing the clothes and then the van. One of Tim’s mates David from Holden offered to clean it so I went down and it got a super clean while I drank coffee. Bit cheeky but I’ll take it. Thanks so much David.
Then we went and had lunch with Tim and a few others down on The Str and, also had my bro Ropes come and say hi which was awesome.
At 2:30pm we headed to Mount Maunganui Main Beach to help cook a BBQ for the volunteers who are busy everyday cleaning up the oil and stuff from Rena. We were down there helping the More FM team who are doing great things. There is a real great community feeling with everyone getting in and helping out.
Once again tonight we were at Tim and Bev’s for dinner and they put on a huge feed, so so nice. Joe came over with an avoca do/shrimp plate which was super yummy.
So we were a little busy, but with the sun shining and no running I got charged up nicely, back into it tomorrow with a big hill and 56kms to do. Got a few people joining me so it will be another fun run on the road.
Day 51 – Rest day in Tauranga